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Everything posted by ScorpioPrime

  1. ScorpioPrime

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    First off, I love Arma 3 and BECTI! BECT is the only game mode I play and I would love to play it with the following parameter options/changes. If anyone is willing, feel free to make my dreams come true! BLUFOR/OPFOR Starting Cash (Commander) -25,000 -50,000 -100,000 BLUFOR/OPFOR Starting Cash (Players) -10,000 -20,000 -30,000 AI Teams Roles -Infantry Only -Infantry & Motorized -Infantry & Tanks -ALL AI Spot Range -CQB -Medium -Normal -High AI Missile Range -200m -500m -800m -1000m -Normal AI Precision -Low -Normal -High AI Health -Half -Normal -Double Towns Income Schedule -Once per town -Periodically (Slow) -Periodically (Frequent) Town Defense (Neutral) -On -Off Town Radar -Off -On Respawn with last purchased gear -on -off Respawn timer -1 minute -30 seconds -15 seconds Also, I would like to include the following features: Halo Jump (Include selected AI teammates) Spawn FOB from HEMMT Supply Tags on spotted enemies (for 5 minutes) All towns enemy troops use tracers only