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Everything posted by Sephnixx

  1. Sephnixx

    Blanket ban on altislife.co.uk

    Here is also a conversation between one of the banned individuals and the founder of altislife.co.uk, Wilco, showing there was a blanket ban done for potential advertising meaning the admin Vladic Ka is lyin (or has been lied to) in that email sent to deanmrd. Wolf: "Wilco": btw if there using the tilos map they cant use altislife framework Wolf: "Wilco": well good luck to them in that case... we have ran takistan before and people just dont bother with mods and downloading <21:49:34> "Wilco": it was the same with epoch, they would need to get some youtubers on board and with that comes alot of children Wolf: "Wilco": http://tiloslife.com/ <21:52:11> "Wilco": really... Wolf: "Wolf": nothing to do with me, i didn pick it, you cant punish me for something i have not done <21:53:09> "Wilco": blankban on anyone PLF... if you want to dispute you can but i doubt it will happen <21:54:10> "Wolf": How is this possibly justified Wilco? we are both grown ups Wolf: "Wilco": well we know there going to advertise youve already pretty much done it via pm so im just going to slice out anyone whos going to do that <21:56:31> "Wolf": As iv told you, Gaard joined this server for us, him and Clapton work offshore, so when they left he had no idea where we went, i told him where they went, if you have proof of me advertising anywhere else fine but iv not <21:56:34> "Wilco": and seeing PLF were being children spamming pictures about me and no doubt in the coming days will make there site a carbon copy of ours they can go fuck themself.... there not advertising here and i will start making it hard for them Wolf: "Wilco": they were coming on ts here and on the forums posting immature pictures of me... what do they expect <21:58:56> "Wolf": 1 person was <21:59:00> "Wilco": Ciaran is currently blanket banning anyone connected to that site <21:59:01> "Wolf": that person has been dealt eith Wolf: " you where banned from the server" Again this is for the community of altislife.co.uk since their forum is subject to censorship
  2. Sephnixx

    Blanket ban on altislife.co.uk

    I was meaning to create a thread where people could share experiences with different Altis Life communitys. I heard many good things about CityLife but I was also watching Joeys stream a bit, what was that ban about? I don't want to take sides here as its unrelated to me but it seems somewhat unprofessional, stuff like this happens on every life mod server I hear about.