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About blackout_sti

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    Moto, Rally, Snow*
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    Web developer / photographer who loves gaming... Not much else (I'm an empty shell of a man).
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    Derek Foulk
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    Blackout STi
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  1. blackout_sti

    Crashed When Loading Auto-Save

    Launched Arma 3 after last crash and attempted to "Resume" mission using that save and the game crashed again after a few seconds of the loading screen... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4PkNUL5Dh9QX2pZZ0dqaTFta0U/view?usp=sharing I am running a few popular mods, not sure if they are the cause or if there is an issue with the game itself... Hope this helps, thanks!
  2. Hey guys, I was playing through the "Death Valley" mission, hit the first 'Auto-Save' and then proceeded for about 100ft before eating a couple rounds of 5.56... I used the "Load" button to re-spawn back at the auto-save checkpoint, but pretty quickly, the game crashed. Here is the generated Error Report/Log: ​https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4PkNUL5Dh9QbjNGRmVLRjBHYXc/view?usp=sharing
  3. Hey guys, I appreciate the snippets and feedback! I will checkout those functions and tinker with your script. All good stuff! Thanks!
  4. Alright duders... I am back to repost new versions of old questions! Seriously though, most of what I am about to ask has been explained (somewhat) in "editor" terms. That is not good enough for little 'ole me... So, I have found the following commands in the Wiki... createVehicle createUnit addWaypoint setWaypoint* All the setWaypointSomething's So, my question is, how can I accomplish the same thing that is achieved here (but with scripting instead of the GUI)?: Currently, I have have done the following in the GUI editor: - Create heli - Create waypoint just in front of heli with "hold" - Create waypoint(s) for the route (move) - Create waypoint "unload transport" - Create invisible helipad (so the dang thing will actually land) I still need to make it take off and do something after unload- I know. I would also like to learn how to make the heli (after dropping off the units), patrol circle an area. I would also like to learn how to make the heli get shot down after dropping units off. Super bonus points if anyone can tell me how to make the enemy engage the helicopter (not shoot it down, just give it some kisses)... Please note: I would like to know the "proper" way to do this as well. I know this is subjective, but it makes me cringe to "hack" things or "jimmy rig" code... To clarify, I am not requesting a script, I would just like some example of how to pair the above commands to make the desired actions occur... Thanks in advance guys!
  5. I had this same issue (kind of). I didn't realize I had to send them one at a time... I assumed the game would queue them up automatically. If you tell them all to get in at once, they don't do anything... +1 on the "createUnit". 100% necessary!
  6. Thank you for this. Gonna check it out!
  7. blackout_sti

    How to Properly Code Tasks in SQF

    I currently have all the different types of scripts separated. Each called from the init.sqf via 'execVM "blah.sqf";'... I did look at the wiki, and you did set the showNotification to 'true'. I was confused as to why it wasn't showing... I just assumed it was another lack of formality in the game engine... But, I bet you are right. I need to insert the code you gave me to make it wait. I have had to do some delaying here and there so that the scripts wait for the mission to load. Is the script above the '$(document).ready()' of SQF (+3 seconds)? It would be great if there was a "BIS_fnc_onAllReady" or something like that... Anyways- Here is my tasks.sqf: [ "Rearm", true, [ "Change your loadout at the resupply area", "Rearm", "Rearm" // Shows above waypoint indicator arrow ], (getPos AmmoBox_1), "AUTOASSIGNED", 5, true, true ] call BIS_fnc_setTask; [] spawn { sleep 2; ["TaskAssigned",["Make Love","Rearm"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; }; AmmoBox_1 addEventHandler [ "ContainerClosed", { [["Rearm","Succeeded"],"BIS_fnc_taskSetState",(side (_this select 1)),false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; (_this select 0) removeEventHandler ["ContainerClosed",0]; } ]; waitUntil {["Rearm"] call BIS_fnc_taskState isEqualTo "Succeeded"};//wait until the first task is complete, then make the second. [] spawn { ["TaskAssigned",["Ewowgh","Get to da choppa!"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; }; [ "Task2", true, [ "Catch a ride to Oreokastro", "Get to da choppa!", "Move B***h" ], (getPos Helo_1), "CREATED", 5, true, true ] call BIS_fnc_setTask; And my init.sqf: /// Init for Operation: Broken Arrow /// Set global counter (with a unique variable name) bsCounter = 0; // Environment (Object Positions) execVM "environment.sqf"; // Tasks execVM "tasks.sqf"; // Remove fatigue execVM "removeFatigue.sqf"; // Dialogue execVM "dialogue.sqf"; // Movements execVM "movements.sqf"; // onDeath execVM "onDeath.sqf"; ---------- Post added at 05:48 ---------- Previous post was at 05:44 ---------- So if I put the 'waitUntil {!isNull player && time > 3};' at the top of init.sqf, will it delay all the 'execVM' calls, or just the one that immediately follows the 'waitUntil'? I know the answer (I think), just want to check... Example: /// Init for Operation: Broken Arrow waitUntil {!isNull player && time > 3}; /// Set global counter (with a unique variable name) bsCounter = 0; // Environment (Object Positions) execVM "environment.sqf"; // Tasks execVM "tasks.sqf"; // Remove fatigue execVM "removeFatigue.sqf"; // Dialogue execVM "dialogue.sqf"; // Movements execVM "movements.sqf"; // onDeath execVM "onDeath.sqf";
  8. blackout_sti

    How to Properly Code Tasks in SQF

    JShock, my man, here to help me out again! Right on... Thanks dude. I'll try this stuff out :) ---------- Post added at 06:30 ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 ---------- +1 on the "BIS_fnc_setTask". I really, really wish this was linked on the wiki page (when viewing "createTask"). I though (naturally) that that was how a person would create a task... Go figure. ---------- Post added at 06:40 ---------- Previous post was at 06:30 ---------- Real quick- you are missing a "," after "Example Task" on line 6 (and on the same line later in the script). Also, I see that you have set "showNotification" to "true", yet, there is no notification (that the task is assigned/active/current/whatever). How can I show that notification? I see i in the campaign all the time... The "Task Succeeded" works great. Do I need to call the "bis_fnc_shownotification" to do this? It seems like it would occur with the snippet you gave me :( Is it broken lol? ---------- Post added at 06:44 ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 ---------- Nevermind (unless there is a better way to do this same thing), I found this little gem... [] spawn { sleep 2; ["TaskAssigned",["","Rearm (Optional)"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; };
  9. Hi guys! So I am desperate. I have been trying for three days to figure out how to make a mission from start to finish using as little of the GUI as possible, while trying to use SQF scripts for as much as possible. Most of the things I have done have gone smoothly. There is a fair amount of documentation provided via the wiki, but there is still quite a few holes (speaking primarily in regards to examples of usage). One of the things that I am having a very hard time figuring out is tasks. I believe all task tutorials I have found have a 'kill target- then yay!'. I have not been able to find hardly anything that explains how to 'chain' tasks, nor have I found much about task notifications (onAssign if you will). What I want to do: - Create a task (with setTaskDescription, setTaskDestination, setTaskState, setCurrentTask) I found a tutorial that used 'createSimpleTask, setSimpleTaskDescription, setSimpleTaskDestination, setTaskState, and setCurrentTask (not sure what this last one does, as it does not seem to have any affect on the mission). In order to achieve this, I had to use the GUI and a series of modules. When I attempted to do this via scripting, I was unable to get the waypoint to display and I could never get the 'task completed' notification to show, nor would it register as being 'complete'. - Change the task to 'Completed' I have gotten this far. This is the only part of this process that I was able to do with a script as opposed to the GUI. - Assign or create a new task when the previous one is 'complete' Plain and simple, I want the next task to show when I finish the first. Again, I wish to learn to accomplish this using (exclusively) script. Ideally, I would be able to create the entire mission with scripts... Why, because I'm a programmer, and GUIs are the devil :) Let's say that it is not possible to do everything I wish to... There is one thing that I really must know- how do I notify the player that a task is assigned? I saw "bis_fnc_shownotification", but it is unclear to me how to use it. (This is one of the things in the wiki that is missing intuitive examples...) Additional Requirements: Notifications must display when - A task is assigned - A task is succeeded/failed Please note: The following script does not work 100% the way I expected it to... //// Create Diary entry (Briefing) player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Broken Arrow", "Some hooplah here..."]]; //// Task 1 - Rearm (Optional) at AmmoBox_1 Task_1 = player createSimpleTask ["Rearm"]; Task_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["To be successful in this example task you need to...","Example Task",""]; Task_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getPos AmmoBox_1); Task_1 setTaskState "Assigned"; player setCurrentTask Task_1; // This doesn't seem to do anything // How to complete "Task_1" - Use "AmmoBox_1" to resupply AmmoBox_1 addEventHandler [ "ContainerClosed", { _taskID = "Task_1"; [[_taskID,"Succeeded"],"BIS_fnc_taskSetState",side (_this select 1),false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; (_this select 0) removeEventHandler ["ContainerClosed",0]; } ]; Let's say for the second task, I want to have the player's group "get to da choppa!". I don't know how to create that task (a "get in the ___" task), but if I did, how would I say "Once 'Task_1' is 'complete' then assign 'Task_2'"? And, furthermore, what is the correct way to to the aforementioned? Should the "Create Tasks" be put in a function (is that even possible?). I know I seem to keep expanding on my original question, but to be clear, the question is: "How do you properly create and handle tasks in Arma 3 via scripting? I really appreciate any help available. Thanks for taking the time to read, and thanks in advance for the knowledge!
  10. blackout_sti

    Trig condition

    Just a quick note, when I removed the "Set Task State" module from the above (after insterting the script you guys provided), the waypoint that led to the ammo box disappeared. And I still haven't figured out how to get the task to show up on the screen (notify the player that the task is assigned). I will make some other tasks and see if any of them notify the player that the task is assigned... Thanks again guys! ---------- Post added at 04:22 ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 ---------- Yeah guys, I am trying to figure out where to put 'player setCurrentTask Task_Rearm;'. I get a script error when I put it right after the script JShock provided. I assume 'setCurrentTask' is what I want to notify the player that they need to complete the task (without having to look at the journal...). Am I wrong? In addition to this, I would love to know how to set the next task after this "Rearm" task is completed... I'll keep searching google. I have found some stuff. I'm having a hard time adapting it to my script. Here is my script (that is throwing the error): AmmoSups addEventHandler [ "ContainerClosed", { _taskID = "Task_Rearm"; [[_taskID,"Succeeded"],"BIS_fnc_taskSetState",side (_this select 1),false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; (_this select 0) removeEventHandler ["ContainerClosed",0]; } ]; player setCurrentTask Task_Rearm; ----- And in my init.sqf: execVM "tasks.sqf"; // Which is the script above Is the error being displayed because the task (created via editor GUI) not "alive" yet, so 'setCurrentTask' is looking for a task that doesn't exist yet? I tried putting 'sleep 10;' before the 'setCurrentTask' (to see if that would make it work), but no dice.
  11. blackout_sti

    Trig condition

    So the scripts you guys provided both work great... The only thing I can't figure out is why there is no notification saying that the "Rearm" task is assigned... I load into the mission, and can see the waypoint (that leads to the ammo box), but there is nothing that says the task is available... It DOES show up in the journal... Then I have a "Set Task State" Module with "State" set to Create Task (Module) - Task ID: Task_Rearm - Title: Rearm - Descritption: Some text - Destination: Module Position - State: Created Set Task State (Module) - State: Assigned Set Task Destination (Module) Destination: Synchronized object I have the following linked/synced: Ammo Box <--> Set Task Destination Set Task Destination <--> Create Task Set Task State <--> Create Task Create Task <--> Player (unit) And I moved the scripts you guys gave me into a .SQF and have that .SQF script called from my "init.sqf". Just so you guys know this is my first attempt ever at making a task... lol So I'm sorry if this stuff is common knowledge. ---------- Post added at 23:20 ---------- Previous post was at 23:17 ---------- JSHock - Right on, Thanks for the info! :)
  12. blackout_sti

    Trig condition

    Wow, you guys rock! I didn't think I would get a response that quick... I will try those out! A couple questions though... EpicGoldenWarrior - Thank you! I appreciate it! JShock - The addEventHandler in JShock's code- is the 'ContainerOpened' a predefined event attached to ammo boxes in a config file? I'm curious if there is such an even as 'ContainerClosed' or (for a vehicle maybe...) 'DoorClosed'? If there are these predefined even handlers, are they viewable in the 'Config Viewer'? Demonized - what is the difference between '(weapons player)' and '(items player + assignedItems player)'? I've looked at their explanations in the wiki, but it is not clear to me what the difference is (when used as you have above)... Last question - So I will create the task module in the editor, then use your guys' code in the ammo box's init... That's it? The tutorials I've found have like x3 modules (Task, Task State and Task Destination). Do I need all of those modules using what you guys have given me? Do I link/sync the "player" to the task module still?
  13. blackout_sti

    Trig condition

    You wouldn't (by chance) know how to use logic (similar to what you have here) to make a trigger that could be used in a "Rearm at ammo box" task would you? I would start a new thread for this, but I am not allowed to apparently... All the tutorials I see about triggers are "Kill target". None of them have been able to show me how to set a task for "Use ammo box" or even "Go to ammo box"... Any advice would be appreciated :)