First things firsts. Congratulations on an incredible script, Naught, it is changing our clan's life and the way we play Arma. All our gratitude and support on that.
Now the BUT part!
We recently installed an HC server and we are facing some major complications, here's what happens:
- We edit the mission using the script and the mission load correctly but 1 minute after the mission starts, all the AI units despawns completely and is respawned a few meters away from their initial position, sometimes getting hurt or killed in the process. Way points get broken and the pilots and crew of the vehicles jump out of them and stay put in perfect formation, refusing to jump up again.
- It seems that once this happens the hc is not able to read the init of the units anymore and for instance, de-caching units on a-unit bases (this setVariable ["cacheObject", false, true];) doesn't work anymore.
- We've tried to delay the caching but it didn't work.
We think that it's an issue with the distribution script or the configuration of the hc but we cannot figure our way around this fail. It's when the AI is distributed to the HC that the problems begin.
We use ASR-AI artificial intelligence enhance mod but we tried deactivating it and it does the same trick. We tried to configure the config.sqf of the script in all possible ways and the only way everything works fine is cancelling the distribution or shutting down the HC. It's a shame really because the all purpose of this script is the HC and the distribution of the AI in it.
Any clue on what's happening?
In advance, thank you!