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Everything posted by xoo

  1. Ok for the APERS... so we need to choose if we want some dummy APERS and APERS tripwire mines or not !! For bounding who disappear and don't detonate it was my bad, another script was in fault
  2. I don't understand how the population is calculated and how to lower the population... 90 civilians in Kavala and a few AI in there and the framerate is under 20 FPS... without the civilians: 45-55 FPS I don't want to exclude kavala in my OP Could you give me any tips ? i wanna lower the population at night and have less civilians in big cities I just need some tips to modify the script by my own !
  3. Another issue: sometimes APERS bounding mines disappear when u've already placed another one EDIT: another script was bugged
  4. Thx for the update ! I found another issue when disarming a demo charge armed with remote option: 1:53:59 Error in expression < { _x set [0, objNull]; [_control] call vip_fnc_mines_menuRemote; }; } forEach v> 1:53:59 Error position: <vip_fnc_mines_menuRemote; }; } forEach v> 1:53:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: vip_fnc_mines_menuremote 1:53:59 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\vip_sms\fn\fn_cl_menuAction.sqf, line 50 EDIT: two more issues: APERS and APERS bounding mines won't detonate. APERS only bip and bounding do nothing. another script was bugged
  5. Works well, even on dedicated (windows) they are doing some great evasive maneuvers when they are under fire... but units are in god mode !! :confused:
  6. xoo

    Unit Markers

    Quiksilver Multiplayer Basic Icons works for AI and players but don't have the same features
  7. tested on A3 vanilla: nul = [_target,1,150,[true,false],[true,false,false],false,[10,0],[10,0],"default",nil,nil,_id] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; armor spawned: Slammer, Panther, Cheetah, Marshall
  8. You probably said that because i trans-typed _target... but _target is only my marker name (string) "cm_to_therisa" In this case it's used to get the position for creating the logic. cm_to_therisa is a marker placed in the editor and a simple test.sqf with missionNamespace getVariable ["cm_to_therisa", objNull] always returns objNull I'm totally unable to get an object name from a string and this turn me mad. EDIT ------------------------------------------- problem solved with: case "FH": { _logicCenter = createCenter sideLogic; _logicGroup = createGroup _logicCenter; _targetLogic = _logicGroup createUnit ["LOGIC", (getMarkerPos _target), [], 0, "NONE"]; diag_log format["DEBUG#FH | LOGIC: %1 - LPOS: %2 - TPOS: %3 - target: %4",_targetLogic,(str getPos _targetLogic),(str getMarkerPos _target),_target]; nul = [_targetLogic,2,true,2,[10,20],6,"default",nil,nil,_id] execVM "LV\fillHouse.sqf"; }; 22:53:35 "DEBUG#FH | LOGIC: L Charlie 2-1:1 - LPOS: [16073.3,16995.1,0] - TPOS: [16073.3,16995.1,0] - target: cm_mi_telos" But fillhouse units wont spawn !?
  9. The logic have been created... it's missionNamespace getVariable which don't work, it always returns objNull :mad: 10:21:03 "DEBUG#FH | LOGIC: L Charlie 2-1:1 - LPOS: [0.46875,0.46875,0] - TPOS: [0,0,0] - targetObject: <NULL-object> - target: cm_to_therisa" i don't understand why missionNamespace getVariable ["cm_to_therisa", objNull] don't give me: cm_to_therisa
  10. is there any way to generate game logic with script in order to call fillhouse dynamically ? my last try: //_target -> string with the marker name _targetObject = missionNamespace getVariable [_target, objNull]; _logicCenter = createCenter sideLogic; _logicGroup = createGroup _logicCenter; _target = _logicGroup createUnit ["Logic", (getPos _targetObject), [], 0, "NONE"]; nul = [_target,2,true,2,[10,20],100,[0.3,0.4,0.6,0.4,0.4,0.7,1,0.6,1,0.6],nil,nil,_id] execVM "LV\fillHouse.sqf"; with no success
  11. Hello, in my mission a single marker can have many missions... for example: a conquest task and just after, a defend task... and later an assassination mission etc etc I tried SHK_Taskmaster and FHQ TaskTracker but with both i can't remove the tasks (always on map and in tasklist). Only update tasks. In my mission the tasks are created dynamically, in one hour more than 20 tasks could be created. Damn fucking mess on my map !! Is it possible to apply on each clients removeSimpleTask in order to remove tasks ? Or do i simply forget the idea of using the built-in tasks ?
  12. i hope this sync client and server tasks, cause the tasks are created on server side. thx
  13. We might have to re-enable the disabled commands but i don't find any way to to it.
  14. It's some client actions...why do you want it server side !? ------------------------------------------------ Another issue: class CfgRemoteExecCommands disable remote execution of all commands so now a simple ["message","hint",nil,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; is disabled really annoying !!
  15. lol i saw it when trying to fix the error. :D _target is actually therisa... it's a marker. i call your script with a simple function to launch different AI spawns and actions on a specific marker on the map. I just started it today in order to test a few AI scripts, so, for now, it's really simple. The error came when the tangos had an eye on me...
  16. Thx for this script. i love their reactivity... out of the box with no personal settings. But i have an error: 17:21:39 Error in expression <_priorNew = _priors select _cause; if (_priorNew > _priorCur) exitWith { _oldD> 17:21:39 Error position: <_priorNew > _priorCur) exitWith { _oldD> 17:21:39 Error Undefined variable in expression: _priornew with a simple call: _tango = [_target,EAST,75,0.3,["O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_AR_F"],-1] spawn SBGF_fnc_garrison;
  17. it's for sure the first thing i've done but even with 1 group DCL generate 90 civilians in Kavala... killing the framerate. it lacks a setting to lower the population (even if it's good to be calculated by the size of the town) It could be a setting for probability, for example: spawn between 20 and 100 % of the population So we could lower the population with a simple setting. I could do it... but i don't understand easily how. Your help would be appreciated.
  18. First, thx for this very nice script... well documented. Is it possible to dynamicly generate some fillHouse calls without any game logic placed with the editor ? I can't find any solution to generate game logics by script in order to call fillHouse... it would be really a nice improvement if the fillhouse can have a marker as target.
  19. Nice features... but i don't understand how to manage the number of civilians generated !? Oo (too many)
  20. was by bad: i haven't saw the first error: 12:26:41 Error position: <: { "mil_dot" }; a thousand lines before -showScriptErrors is useless for this kind of error... on a loop, cause -showScriptErrors only display the last error
  21. Hello, i don't understand why this simple switch won't work: (called by fn_markerType = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "functions\fn_markerType.sqf";) _mkrType = switch (true) do { case (vehicle _unit isKindOf "Helicopter"): { "n_air" }; default: { "mil_dot" }; }; whole file : With IF it's working but i don't want to do crappy code with many if in my function... cause, it's just an example, i don't have only one icon type to set. if (vehicle _unit isKindOf "Helicopter") then { _mkrType = "n_air"; } else { _mkrType = "mil_dot"; }; It's the same with: ARMEDCHOP = ["B_Heli_Attack_01_F","B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F"]; //ERROR _mkrType = switch (true) do { case (typeOf vehicle _unit in ARMEDCHOP): { "n_air" }; default: { "mil_dot" }; }; //WORKING if (typeOf vehicle _unit in ARMEDCHOP) then { _mkrType = "n_air"; } else { _mkrType = "mil_dot"; }; if someone could explain to me what i'm doing wrong !?
  22. humm thx !! it could be useful to me EDIT: i don't have more infos... maybe because my function is called in another function.
  23. How ? i have my eyes stuck on the RPT 12:43:12 Error in expression < call fn_markerType; 12:43:12 Error position: <_mkrType; 12:43:12 Error Undefined variable in expression: _mkrtype Is there any functionality i haven't found ? maybe allowFunctionsLog = 1; ?? tested and i don't have more info in the RPT
  24. Oops !! :rolleyes: Thx a lot... i almost turned mad with this.
  25. and for sure... remove all the players init field calls.