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About MajorDex

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  1. MajorDex

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I was away from Arma for several months until i saw you have released a version for Chernarus. As i love that map i just had to try it out and i am now playing the mission for four days straight. Funny thing happened to me this morning somewhere around that airfield in the south. I am using a couple mods including RHS and i realise that the mission is using resources from mods such as weapons and vehicles. Anyway this morning i got ambushed by a full squad of Russian soldiers, about ten of them, in full RHS gear.They are even speaking russian. I dont know is this intentional since i have not read this thread for a few months, but i find it fantastic and very immersive. If it is a bug in my game than it is a bug that i actualy enjoyed.
  2. MajorDex

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    You have some valid points, i did not considered the technical side of the game. I suppose flying a jet in Pilgrimage as a player would be heavy on the computer, especially mine which have problems with using binoculars and long range scopes. As for AI jets i guess they could still use radar guided AG missiles on the enemy vehicles or a player controlled vehicle, but i guess it would be instant death for a human player:scratchchin:
  3. MajorDex

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Yeah, you should leave it as it is, it is better than giving them god mode:) Just my opinion. On a side note have you considered making the main Altis airport permanently occupied, maybe by CSAT? Some vehicles, AA systems, maybe even some jets. I dont think you should change how airfields are randomly garrisoned just make the main airport a permanent base. In a real war this airport would be among the most important assets for any side to occupy.
  4. MajorDex

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Thank you author for this beautiful mission. I have not played since 1.86 where i finished the mission only one time, and i have to say a have never enjoyed ARMA so much. I started 1.90 beta3 a couple days ago and i love the changes you introduced so far. I had a couple intense firefights with both CSAT and AAF, died a couple times of course:), got tracked by a black Kayman who just did not want to go away, which never happend for me in 1.86. I did encountered a couple small bugs: Every static vehicle i stumbled upon was buried halfway in the ground, two Striders in AAF checkpoints and a random Zamak truck. They can be interacted with but not driven. The other one is something i am not sure its mission related, but i did not encountered that problem in other missions i played. The damn rain wont stop:) It is raining for four game days, just stops for a few seconds then starts again like its on a loop. Anyway, i could write pages about it but i wont, i will just say keep up working on this masterpiece. Thanks, Dejan