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About Cor

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  1. Amazing, it worked. Thank you for your help, really appreciate it!
  2. I think I understand you. Thank you for your help. Do you have a solution for my second question: "Now I tried to place a laptop on top of it, but that won't work (yes, wit disable simulation, but not the way it works with an Arma object). Is this also a LOD?"?
  3. Alright, however I tried now to make the geometry LOD with the same model as the table itself. And I cannot walk through it but I'm able to crawl under it. But if I'd do it like your way I should make a lot of little cubes so the whole table is covered? EDIT: I now tried to place a laptop on top of it, but that won't work (yes, wit disable simulation, but not the way it works with an Arma object). Is this also a LOD?
  4. EDIT: I now have fixed that I can't walk through the object, however the geometry LOD is a block (https://gyazo.com/5962237620a364022b60c227e53dee19) and now I can't crawl under the table. I couldn't edit my post...
  5. Hello, I'm currently working on a object for our Arma 3 Unit. I'm really new in modeling objects, but everything worked so far. One thing I can't fix is the geometry LOD. I have a simple table (this is just for testing): https://gyazo.com/a97757e83ea5b4f36342c4ba2b773db4. How can I make a geometry LOD, when you still can crawl under the table but not walk through it? Is it just the same 3D model but then with a geometry LOD configuration? I hope can help me, thank you in advance.
  6. Hi, I have a question, do you know how to edit weapons?