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Di Rienzo

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Everything posted by Di Rienzo

  1. Good evening. I play both Arma 3 and Dayz SA at 100 + fps most of the time. I've been playing and LOVE Argo but for some reason it doesn't utilize 100% of my gpu or cpu and I end up with only around 60-70fps. Does anyone know how I can fix this issue? I've got an i7 4690k @ 4.4ghz a gtx 970 at 1370/8000 and 32gb of ram. I've edited my .cfg file to change the viewdistance to 2000, scene complexity to 1 000 000 and maxframed ahead to 1 but haven't seen any noticeable difference in usage. Any help would be appreciated ! Thanks
  2. Di Rienzo

    Low GPU/CPU Utilization? Low FPS ?

    The file is in the same location as the .cfg. It's titled "your_windows_username.ArgoProfile", edit it with notepad viewDistance=1000; preferredObjectViewDistance=1000; these are the parameters you're looking for
  3. Di Rienzo

    Low GPU/CPU Utilization? Low FPS ?

    I have my IGPU disabled. My GPU hovers around 42% - 70% usage and my cpu from 40% - 66%. Is there more optimization to come because there is plenty of headroom left untapped.