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About tankz

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  1. The mod works great no errors. BUT... i did some testing with tanks and AI and it was pretty shocking. i played 20vs20 start with pz4 vs t-34/76 6 matches on the salt lake in altis pz4 north t-34 south then side change and another 6 matches(pz4 south...) Now after the clear 12-0 for t-34 i thought well it was a pretty good tank and might win against a pz4. So i tried panther...same result. now what ive noticed is the german tanks dont do much. They fire one or two shots and then turn around and sort of run away back to their original location just aiming at the t34s but not firing anymore. The t34 move and fire in a straight line they do rly well at all times. The only german tank that does ok in terms of movement was the Tiger1 tank. And even then it was sort of even(tiger vs t-34/76 EVEN)! Kingtiger turns, is semi active, gets destroyed(20vs20 t-34/76 wins vs kingtiger)! Now i had enough and spawned ArmaIII slammers(20)...guess which side won? haha right slammers started firing right from start and i thought here we go but they couldnt hit them very well for some reason and as soon as the t-34s came in range it was a slaughter fest again. I tested it with AI module without AI module with diffrent waypoints(standart, combat, fire at will etc). The result was always the same german tanks or AI or both are complete useless. The reason for my testing was that of my 16x german tanks(pz4) in my mission 13 got destroyed by 4x T-34/76 yesterday. As i said the mod is awesome but at the moment pretty pointless to play untill german AI / tanks are fixed. I bet its great fun in pvp tho. But yeah my missions are coop or AI based.