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Everything posted by krzmbrzl

  1. If you host multiple servers on the same machine, make sure that you don't accidentally reuse the steam-port of the one server as the port for the other server. So if one server runs on Port 1000, the other can't run on 1001 as this is the port of the steam-services of the first server (by default)
  2. Well it is not abandoned per se but I currently don't have the time to work on it. I am currently working on Mumble and once I have time again the plan is to bring OrinocoSQF to a workable state which would then be integrated as the Syntax checking backend in SQDev. The advantage over the current implementation would be full preprocessor support and proper checking of array entry types. Until this is done it could pass some time though and I can't really give an ETA...
  3. Generic error in expression! If you have had enough of these or similar log entries during the code development then this post is exactly for you! I'd like to use this post in order to present you a plugin I have written for the Eclipse IDE. It's named "SQDev" and it aims for providing the possibility to develop Arma projects from within Eclipse. But the goal is not only to simply provide the ability to do so, but rather give the developer as many tools as possible in order to facilitate the developing process. The live syntax check is only one example for such a facilitation. I am now working for about 3 years on this plugin and I now have the feeling that it is good enough to share it with you guys. Features Editors: There are editors included for the following file types: .sqf, .ext, .cpp, .hpp, .sqm and for a Stringtable.xml Basic syntax highlighting and content-assist for all editors Full macro support in all file types (highlighting + content-assist) Advanced syntax highlighting and content-assist for the SQF-Editor Live syntax-check and type checking for the SQF-Editor with basically no restrictions (in terms of the syntax-checking; Type checking still has some restrictions) - Just code in a way the Arma-engine understands and the plugin will get it too (minor exceptions aside) Project-wide syntax check - No need to open each file and check it for errors as the plugin will do that for you in the background Hover-Information for SQF commands including the majority of the information listed on the respective BIKI page The BIKI page of each command is only one click away when using the SQF-Editor Graphical user interface for editing the Stringtable.xml Wizards: NewProjectWizard - Creates a new mission with the needed folder infrastructure so you can start coding right away Import- and ExportWizard - Import and export your missions to and from eclipse NewFileWizard - Creates a new SQF-file with a generic header containing the name of the project, of the script itself and the author. Miscellaneous: A big settings framework allowing you to customize the plugin to your needs and preferences (Window -> Preferences) Integrated RPT-Viewer - No more switching between the editor and the file explorer in order to look into the local log files Custom SQDev perspective in eclipse that adapts the UI to the needs of a SQF scripter Parse tree visualization - See how the engine will interpret your code Supports both: Windows and Linux You are not dependent on me updating the plugin if a new SQF command is introduced as the plugin has a command-update functionality that reads all commands and the corresponding information from the BIKI itself. That means you can update the used commands whenever you feel the need for it (Can be done from within the preferences) Documentation A complete documentation of the plugin can be found here. It contains everything there is to know about the plugin. Part of it is of course how to install the plugin and how to get started with it. If you have any questions or need some help with the plugin you can join my discord channel (see Feedback and contact). Source code + Issue tracker The plugin is maintained on GitHub. That means you can at any time take a look into the source code of it. But it does also mean that all bug reports and feature requests have to be created there. If you experience a bug please follow the following steps: Make sure no one else has filed this bug before by having a look at the list of known bugs Try to reproduce the error - The more detail you can provide on this the likelier it is that the bug gets fixed Create a new issue on GitHub and describe the bug with as many details as possible Attach some general system information to your bug report. You can do so by using the "Plugin info creator" of the plugin itself that is accessible through the toolbar (red exclamation mark on a green circle) There is also a list of known feature requests, so please try to avoid duplicates. But you are more than welcome to comment on these requests so I can see what you are thinking about them. Feedback and contact You can leave your feedback here in this thread. However for faster responses and a more direct contact to me I'd suggest you to join my discord channel. Do not get confused because of my second Nickname (Raven) there. Media
  4. Even better 👍 Yeah one should expect some sort of error message - That's not in my hands though. Dunno why eclipse handles it like this... Any time. I hope you'll find the plugin helpful.
  5. Okay that seems kinda strange to me - Could you have a look at the Plug-Ins-tab (in the installation details you screenshotted) and check for all plugins having an ID starting with raven? Maybe the individual plugins didn't get installed properly. Also I think uninstalling and re-installing the plugin might be worth a try 🤔
  6. It is not. I also strip out description, notes, examples, etc. Yeah I noticed this premise xD Though I might be making a hybrid of getting most information off the biki but using your intercept list for syntaxes. After all the extraction of the syntaxes and return values and this kind of stuff is the root of all problems I'm having with the whole thing. On the other hand the whole point of having the update mechanism was to not needing someone to manually update some lists in some custom projects. But I guess this isn't feasible anymore. I guess I'll give it a try then...
  7. Yeah that is exactly right. I had a look at my code though and in the dev version the problem with the ObjectRTD should be fixed already. However it now fails at pages like createUnit because people are putting notes in every shape and form everywhere all over the place, which basically makes it more or less impossible for me to process the necessary information properly. Combined with the fact that SQDev will switch to using OrinocoSQF for code linting and auto-complete, I guess I won't really update the algorithm accordingly. If you need to change some syntax or anything because the plugin keeps misinterpreting certain things (or is missing a command), you can change the keyword file manually. There's a little note on that in the manual that also tells you where you can find that file: http://krzmbrzl.github.io/SQDev/resources/SQDev.pdf#subsection.5.2.3
  8. Is there some sort of overview which of those RotorLib types exist?
  9. Thanks for reporting The keyword update has been adapted in the current development version. But I'll check again if it still works properly. What RotorLib data types are there?
  10. Yes it is. The plans for the next release are quite big though and I only have time to work on the project occasionally. That's why the next release takes so long. If you can't wait for the next version, you can go ahead and download the latest development version on the discord server and act as a tester :) You can always monitor the current status of the next release on GitHub: https://github.com/Krzmbrzl/SQDev/projects/1
  11. Someone just pointed out that there hasn't been a way to configure the String- and comment-highlighting in the plugin's settings. That can't be which is why I just released version 0.7.7 which addresses this exact issue Changelog | Added: Option to change String colouring | Added: Option to change comment colouring | Changed: Default parse time delay decreased to 1s (instead of 1.5s) If you are having any trouble with this release come and pay me a visit on the official SQDev-Discord. The new version can be directly downloaded from GitHub.
  12. Alright the issue @.NoName. described should be fixed in the latest version 0.7.6 of the plugin. Changelog | Fixed : Problems with UTF-8 encoded files If you are having any trouble with this release come and pay me a visit on the official SQDev-Discord. The new version can be directly downloaded from GitHub. Furthermore the manual has been updated to cover the recent changes and to include the new super-trendy logo.
  13. Alright I downloaded the files and can reproduce the error. I will look into it as soon as I have the time (which will probably be in around 3 weeks)...
  14. Could you please send me a file causing these recognition errors (the file as it is... Not just the content). This sounds like an encoding problem to me...
  15. If you got a SocketTimeoutException this means that it wasn't possible to connect to the BIKI server. This might be because the BIKI was down or because your Internet connection broke down (shortly)... Furthermore the error messages I dictate that you still have an old version installed. The new system doesn't produce any errors about <EOF>. I'd suggest to delete eclipse and install a fresh one if your current installation is (was) troublesome. Then go ahead and download the 0.7.5 version of the Plugin.
  16. I just released version 0.7.5 of the plugin which ships with the new parser I have written from scratch. This brings enormous speed and stability improvements to the parsing and processing of SQF scripts. Changelog | Added: Option to chose whether imported projects get copied into workspace | Added: New parser (by far faster and more robust than the old one) | Rewrote: Type checking | Improved: There shouldn't be any error-windows popping up during coding anymore | Improved: Syntax tree viewer overhauled | Fixed: Broken Keyword-update-functionality If you are having any trouble with this release come and pay me a visit on the official SQDev-Discord. The new version can be directly downloaded from GitHub. Furthermore the manual has been updated to cover the recent changes and to include the new super-trendy logo.
  17. Okay I fixed the command update and here is the needed list with all information up-to-date: https://github.com/Krzmbrzl/SQDev/tree/parser-rewrite/plugin/Raven.SQDev.Misc/resources/sqf You need to replace your local Keyword-file with the one I just linked. (Actually opening it and replacing the content works just the same). For how to find said file you can have a look in the manual. I hope this fixes your problem :)
  18. Generally that is the correct approach. But with a broken system you won't get far ^^ Is the error only occurring with setSkill? If so I can give you instructions on how to work around it manually. Otherwise you'll have to wait until I have fixed the update-mechanism so that I can provide you an up-to-date command-file :)
  19. Okay wait a second. I just wanted to try whether all BIKI pages are still in the proper format for the command update and discovered that the update mechanism got broken with the last BIKI update. I will fix it and come back with instructions for you on how to solve your problem @.NoName.
  20. No it doesn't. You seem to have done everything correctly ;) No you don't have to do that. In fact the current state of the art is that the plugin doesn't even care about global variables. Every ID unknown by the plugin that is a valid variable name and does not start with an underscore is considered to be a valid global variable (The plugin just assumes that you know that it is declared somewhere) xD
  21. Ah okay I know what's going on: Some commands have two separate BIKI pages: One with the "normal" syntax and one with the "array" syntax. During its command collection the plugin only visits the "normal" ones as most array-syntaxes have been merged into the regular pages. However setSkill seems to have been an exception to this. The good news is that Lou Montana is currently refactoring the BIKI and is very eagerly performing those merges. Apparently setSkill has been merged into a single page. Therefore the solution to your problem should be to let the plugin perform a command update (Can be issued from the Misc-preference page).
  22. May I ask how you retrieved the necessary information for that? Did you strip it out of the BIKI manually?
  23. Could you give an example for that please? And what kind of errors are you getting? Are these errors related to (or directly after) macro usages?
  24. You are very welcome! Always encouraging to know that others can make a use of it :)
  25. krzmbrzl

    SQF Syntax checker

    Although it is a different project there is my SQDev eclipse plugin that performs live syntax- and type-checking right in the editor.