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About kelgram

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. Those are nice vending machines, very old school. How easy would it be to model a server rack? http://www.creativecrash.com/system/photos/000/050/831/50831/big/serverrack1.jpg?1251175312
  2. Will it be as playful as a puppy?
  3. kelgram

    [WIP] Modern Tactical Thompson

    How about an M41A1 pulse rifle? :P http://avp.wikia.com/wiki/M41A_Pulse_Rifle?file=M41A_Pulse_Rifle.png The weapons designers in Aliens based it off the M1 Thompson gun.
  4. silola, if there is space I would like to try testing this out. I am interested to try this as it seems to be the solution I need to make immersive CQB maps. Thanks
  5. For what was originally going to be missions I've decided to start modding ArmA 3. What I am trying to achieve is the following: -Disable player being able to swap weapons / inventory -Disable players being able to pick up weapons from ground (I am just worred that this might break interaction with other objects) It must not affect Virtual Ammo system when the user picks their loadout at the start of the mission. Is this possible through config editing, and if it is would you recommend doing it? Why am I doing this? Well in Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon games you aren't allowed to pick up enemy weapons as it is against standard operating procedures.
  6. Good job poolpunk, it is always small things which I think add the most immersion to ArmA. 10/10
  7. kelgram

    Arma 3 , project the cave

    What I would do is when a player enters the cave system, set the localDayTime settings to night and then when they leave set them back to whatever is the correct time.
  8. Hey SpeedyGonzalez, I was wondering if I could have permission to use one of the hooded uniforms for my Rainbow Six mod. I would be using my own texture for it something like this: Kind of like this picture:
  9. kelgram

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    This is not a normal request. To anyone reading this, I am requesting if you have made any Uniforms in ArmA 3 if I could use some in my mod (with full credits). The problem is some mods have one uniform in particular I want to use, the problem is I don't want users having to download many different mods. So I am wanting to make a new mod package with the following uniforms: -US Desert 3 Colours -Olive Green -Navy Blue -Black -European Forest (Flecktarn) -European Forest 2 (DPM) -US Urban 3 Colour Scheme -US Artcic 3 Colour Scheme
  10. Dude, words cannot express my thanks. Would you mind if I credit you in this Mission pack?
  11. I have almost finished my first Rainbow Six mission and I was wondering if any of these ideas I have are possible? They are not necessary but would be nice to have as additional functionality. For the time being I have used pseudo code to describe them. Hopefully that will be helpful as a starting point. AI sees a Frag grenade being thrown near them / in room, shouts "Grenade / Granata" If (Grenade fired from West && Grenade < 10 metres from enemy Soldier) play2dsound "Grenade"; AI hears soldier running outside or shooting If (Player is not walking && player is < 10 metres from enemy Soldier) play2dsound "What was that?"; If (Player is firing && player is < 10 metres from enemy Soldier) play2dsound "Holy crap. get ready for them"; Team approaches building door, says over radio "Stacking up" If (Player is < 2 metres from building door) playSound "Stacking up"; Player presses binded key "H" all teams stop on their waypoints if (Player presses keybind "H") stop all teams on side of Player; playSound "Holding"; Player spots enemy, radios in (overrides the ArmA 3 e.g. "I saw a Chicken at 007989 , next to that Tree" if (Player sees enemy) do not radio position; playSound "Contact Spotted";
  12. Hi all, Just out of curiosity for the time being as I am busy with Mission making. Is it possible to make a very very small square terrain like 500m x 500m that would be for CQB, or would it still procedurally generate terrain after it? Also can you cut and make a smaller map out of a large map e.g. if I loaded up Zargabad and cut out a 1km x 1km section, could I then make that into a new map? If no to either of these questions, then I will stick to mission making :)
  13. Hey Poolpunk, I am working on a Rainbow Six themed mod. Would be great if you could model the following: Police / SWAT Privacy screen (stops snooping News crews) http://i.ytimg.com/vi/OsL5lc-vs_g/maxresdefault.jpg Some themed Police / SWAT barricades http://i.cdn.turner.com/trutv/trutv.com/graphics/photos/serial_killers/predators/erno_soto/Police-barricade200.jpg
  14. I am doing a kit loadout at the start of my mission. There is AI in the same team who have waypoints, they start to follow these waypoints immediately when the mission starts. I tried adding a delay to the first waypoint but this is not reliable as the player might take a long time in kit loadout. Any ideas how I can halt the game (not technically pause it) until the player comes out of Virtual Arsenal? Thanks
  15. The solution for this is to simply do endMission "END1";