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Everything posted by Wheaticus

  1. Wheaticus

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    How do I do that?
  2. Wheaticus

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Low fps seemingly no matter what I do within the game the launch parameters and the config file. The system follows. intel i7 5820k ddr4 16gb 2500mhz corsair gtx970x2 in sli samsung 840 evo ssd Other games seem to run fine with this one always being a pain as everyone else knows who is watching this thread any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Launch parameters follow. -cpuCount=6 -exThreads12 -high -maxMem=14336 -noPause -noSplash -world=empty I hope there is something I missed in the launch parameters that I missed. Any help with the any part of this would be appreciated as ARMA 3 and ARMA as a series is one of my favorites. Config file follows. steamLanguage="English"; language="English"; forcedAdapterId=-1; detectedAdapterId=0; detectedAdapterVendorId=4318; detectedAdapterDeviceId=5058; detectedAdapterSubSysId=695482434; detectedAdapterRevision=161; detectedAdapterBenchmark=36; displayMode=0; winX=16; winY=32; winWidth=1024; winHeight=768; winDefWidth=1024; winDefHeight=768; fullScreenWidth=1920; fullScreenHeight=1080; refresh=60; renderWidth=1920; renderHeight=1080; multiSampleCount=4; multiSampleQuality=0; particlesQuality=1; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; HDRPrecision=16; vsync=0; AToC=15; cloudsQuality=2; pipQuality=3; dynamicLightsQuality=2; PPAA=1; ppSSAO=4; ppCaustics=1; tripleBuffering=0; ppBloom=1; ppRotBlur=0; ppRadialBlur=0; ppDOF=1; ppSharpen=1; Again any help is appreciated with 10 frames or less online the game is unplayable. Thank you to anyone who looks and a double thank you to any constructive comments.