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Everything posted by siOnzee

  1. Hello, I maded script SQF. Named "GiveWeapon.sqf" _unit = _this select 0; _weaponName = _this select 1; _weaponAmmo = _this select 2; _weaponQuantity = _this select 3; //hint format ["\nUnit = %1\nWeapon Name = %2\nWeapon Ammo = %3\nWeapon Quantity = %4\n Arm weapon = %5\n ", _unit, _weaponName, _weaponAmmo, _weaponQuantity, _loaded]; for "_i" from 0 to _weaponQuantity do { _unit addMagazine _weaponAmmo; }; _unit addWeapon _weaponName; In editor I assign to unit on INIT removeAllWeapons this; [this, "M9", "15Rnd_9x19_M9", 6] exec "GiveWeapon.sqf" In-game I'll got weapon M9 with one Magazine. Why? I goes deep for debug. for "_i" from 0 to _weaponQuantity do { hint format ["%1", _i]; }; This print 'any' :butbut: _n = 0; while {_n < _weaponQuantity} do { _n = _n + 1; _unit addMagazine _weaponAmmo; }; Too doesn't work. What I do wrong? Game: Armed Assault 2 Operation Arrowhead (CO) Platform: PC on Steam Version: 1.62.103718
  2. Hello, I have problem, I have Unit A (Vehicle), Unit B (Soldier), Object C (H - Invisible). Unit A -> UNLOAD TRANSPORT at Object C Unit B -> GET OUT at Object C Now I want remove waypoint Unit B (GET OUT) When I move cursor on Waypoint I see 'UNLOAD TRANSPORT', when I hold shift 'H - Invisible'. Is there way to delete waypoint 'GET OUT' without loosing next waypoints? Sorry for my bad english :p
  3. Thaaanks maaan! execVM fixed my problem. Why this isn't in the Documentation? :confused:
  4. No, look. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/186937666/images/extreme_1.png (251 kB) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/186937666/images/extreme.png (246 kB) When I put mouse over POINT 1 I see waypoint 'GET IN (FIRST TIME)' from UNIT. I want see waypoint 'GET IN (SECOND TIME) from UNIT'. When hold 'Left Shift', it show me UH-60M and I can't drag them apart (because they're assigned to UH-60M). This is only example screen for specific What is my problem.
  5. siOnzee

    Screenshots in Windows 8?

    Use steam press F12 :)
  6. I think the game is best without addons. It's more simulator. x)