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About foxtin

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    Private First Class

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  1. I think you just need to set the chopper to careless.
  2. Thanks can you show me which code to use, I'm a bit of a newb
  3. So my character's identity is Chinese, and his face is chinese, and his voice is Chinese02. But everytime I start the mission and order my squad to do something it always turns to an american voice and my face turns into an american's face.
  4. Doesn't work for me, what I think we need is to make the helicopter aware of the infantry and focus it. It focuses on vehicles already.
  5. I need it to be infantry... but thanks for the advice. It will spot vehicles but not infantry.
  6. Pretty self explanatory. I want a kajman to attack an outpost full of enemy infantry but it just ignores the infantry.
  7. BIS_fnc_showSubtitle will make a subtitle that looks like this: But because in my mission you play as a CSAT viper, I would like the blue Dragon to turn Red. ["Dragon", "NATO forces are in the AO."] call BIS_fnc_showSubtitle; This is my code please help and thanks.
  8. I'll try it thanks! Edit: Doesn't seem to work...
  9. 1.) Into your Trigger add the following condition: !isNil "IrCalled" 2.) Change the name of the trigger to TriggerIR 3.) Add the following to the player's init field: this addEventhandler [ "Fired", { private ["_range"]; _range = 50; if (_this select 2 == "IRGrenade" && (_this select 0) distance TriggerIR <= _range) then { IrCalled = true; publicVariable "IrCalled"; }; } ]; Also check out my mission, if you want: Operation Python {Typhoon Series}
  10. I would like to know how to shorten the distance for the Hold Space action that we saw in the Apex campaign. I have two objects, and here is the code. hostageDemo_hostage switchMove "Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_loop"; hostageDemo_hostage setVariable["hostageDemo_hostage_bound", true]; // Prepare the terminal animation and variable [hostageDemo_terminal,"red","orange","blue"] call BIS_fnc_DataTerminalColor; [hostageDemo_terminal, 3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; missionNamespace setVariable["hostageDemo_dataActive", true]; // Declare the function. hostageDemo_fnc_addHoldAction = { params [["_object", player], ["_label", "Search"], ["_type", "search"], ["_active", "true"], ["_completeCode", {hint 'Nothing found'}], ["_args", []], ["_duration", 2]]; // Change icon based on _type input. _idleIcon = switch (_type) do { case "hostage": {"\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_unbind_ca.paa"}; case "data": {"\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa"}; }; [ /* 0 object */ _object, /* 1 action title */ _label, /* 2 idle icon */ _idleIcon, /* 3 progress icon */ _idleIcon, /* 4 condition to show */ _active, /* 5 condition for action */ "true", /* 6 code executed on start */ {}, /* 7 code executed per tick */ {}, /* 8 code executed on completion */ _completeCode, /* 9 code executed on interruption */ {}, /* 10 arguments */ _args, /* 11 action duration */ _duration, /* 12 priority */ 0, /* 13 remove on completion */ true, /* 14 show unconscious */ false ] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0]; 0 }; // Add action to terminal hostageDemo_terminalId = [ hostageDemo_terminal, "Disable Terminal Link", "data", "missionNamespace getVariable['hostageDemo_dataActive', false]", { // trigger is waiting for this variable to go false. missionNamespace setVariable["hostageDemo_dataActive", false, true]; // Close terminal and remove action. [(_this select 0), 0] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; [hostageDemo_terminal, hostageDemo_terminalId] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionRemove", 0]; }, [], 5 ] call hostageDemo_fnc_addHoldAction; // Add action to hostage. hostageDemo_hostageId = [ hostageDemo_hostage, // Object to add to. "Unbind Hostage", // Label to use "hostage", // Type of icon to use "hostageDemo_hostage getVariable['hostageDemo_hostage_bound', false]", // Only display if true { // Completion code // Set the variable to no longer bound, animate getting up and join the rescuers group, remove action. params["_hostage", "_rescuer"]; hostageDemo_hostage setVariable["hostageDemo_hostage_bound", false, true]; [_hostage, "Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon_out"] remoteExec ["playMoveNow", 0]; [hostageDemo_hostage, hostageDemo_hostageId] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionRemove", 0]; // trigger is waiting for this variable to go false. missionNamespace setVariable["hostageDemo_hostage_bound", false, true]; }, [], // Arguments _this select 3 in code blocks. 3 // Duration in seconds ] call hostageDemo_fnc_addHoldAction;
  11. Updated to all your needs! Thank you for your feedback! Update 1.4!
  12. Thank you, the bug with the laser is on arma apex side sadly. I could switch it to a range finder or a sand laser designator.I will add in the two players by the end of the week end. Thank you all for the feed back.
  13. I am going to add 2 more people!