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Posts posted by lawman_actual

  1. 18 hours ago, eggbeast said:

    you'd be better off asking in the Arma 3 discord config editing channel.



    the missile doesn't need a memory pointfor the trail t oshow. it uses the centre of the model - make sure you have "found components" in your geometry


    you can find rocket flash in the P drive here


    you need to add that as a proxy in your missile ammo/fly model (not the "proxy" model used for the unfired missile mounted on your vehicle)




    Amazing, thanks again Eggbeast that's all I needed to know! Didn't realise the flash was a proxy of another model.

    Noted regarding discord...guess I'll have to download that now




    • Like 1

  2. Sorry to bother you folks again but I'm still unable to find an answer to my forum post here:



    Quite frustrating modelling missiles for the first time, since it seems to be a bit of a gap in the tutorials market 😕

    Figured most of it out now but can't get the fire coming out the back and it looks a bit dead, while also being very hard to track.


    While I'm here i'll also mention...is there an animation source someone can suggest relating to the missile changing direction (in any axis)?

    The missile I'm modelling has a part that rotates in order to maneuver. Would be great to be able to simulate this but not really necessary, would settle for just continuous rotation.






  3. 57 minutes ago, Yano said:

    Can you post your RVMAT and screenshot?

    Reflectivity in A3 is done by specularPower value, enviroment map in your rvmat -  Stage 7 fresnel values and SMDI map channels.





    Interesting that specularPower impacts this? I had been thinking specular power would only impact...well...specular highlights.

    I did wonder about the environment map but hadn't had much success playing with it so far.



    RVmat so far:

    class StageTI
    	texture = "a3\weapons_f_beta\launchers\titan\data\launcher_ti_ca.paa";
    #define _ARMA_
    ambient[] = {0.79600036,0.79600036,0.79600036,1};		//multiplies color values (color texture R,G,B,A) of the surface that is not lit by main directional light.
    diffuse[] = {0.79600036,0.79600036,0.79600036,1};		//multiplies color values of the surface that is lit by main directional light.
    //forcedDiffuse[]={0,0,0,0};		//Part of the diffuse lighting that is reflected on surface in shadow
    forcedDiffuse[]={0,0,0,1};		//Part of the diffuse lighting that is reflected on surface in shadow
    emmisive[]={0,0,0,0};		//Also called Luminescence. Values give amount of light that surface shines by itself. Use it for light sources. It will appeal shining but will not light anything around it.
    specular[] = {0.16100001,0.16100001,0.16100001,1};		//Colour and brightness of specular reflections
    specularPower=70;			//Default 30. Also called Glossiness. Defines how sharp the hotspot will be. Some shaders use IRRADIANCE TABLE instead of this value.
    PixelShaderID="Super";		//Shader name	
    VertexShaderID="Super";		//Shader name	
    class Stage1
    	texture="law_myMod\addons\law_myAddon\data\blank2k_nohq.paa";		//path to your normal map
    	//texture="a3\weapons_f_beta\launchers\titan\data\launcher_nohq.paa";		//path to your normal map
    	uvSource = "tex";
    	class uvTransform
    		aside[] = {1,0,0};
    		up[] = {0,1,0};
    		dir[] = {0,0,1};
    		pos[] = {0,0,0};
    class Stage2
    	texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT)";
    	uvSource = "tex";
    	class uvTransform
    		aside[] = {8,0,0};
    		up[] = {0,8,0};
    		dir[] = {0,0,1};
    		pos[] = {0,0,0};
    class Stage3
    	texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,MC)";
    	uvSource = "tex";
    	class uvTransform
    		aside[] = {1,0,0};
    		up[] = {0,1,0};
    		dir[] = {0,0,1};
    		pos[] = {0,0,0};
    class Stage4
    	uvSource = "tex";
    	class uvTransform
    		aside[] = {1,0,0};
    		up[] = {0,1,0};
    		dir[] = {0,0,1};
    		pos[] = {0,0,0};
    class Stage5
        texture="law_myMod\addons\law_myAddon\data\hvmMetal2k_smdi.paa";			//Optimised Specular Map.	R=1,	G=Specular,		B=roughness (black=rough)
    	//texture = "a3\weapons_f_beta\launchers\titan\data\launcher_smdi.paa";
    	uvSource = "tex";
    	class uvTransform
    		aside[] = {1,0,0};
    		up[] = {0,1,0};
    		dir[] = {0,0,1};
    		pos[] = {0,0,0};
    class Stage6
    	//texture = "#(ai,32,128,1)fresnel(1.3,1.7)";		//Fresnel
    	texture = "#(ai,16,2,2)fresnel(0.46,0.36)";
    	uvSource = "tex";
    	class uvTransform
    		aside[] = {1,0,0};
    		up[] = {0,1,0};
    		dir[] = {0,0,1};
    		pos[] = {0,0,0};
    class Stage7
    	//texture = "a3\data_f\env_land_co.paa";
    	texture = "a3\data_f\env_land_plastic_co.paa";
    	//texture = "law_myMod\addons\law_myAddon\data\missileMetal2k_co.paa";
    	uvSource = "tex";
    	class uvTransform
    		aside[] = {1,0,0};
    		up[] = {0,1,0};
    		dir[] = {0,0,1};
    		pos[] = {0,0,0};


    Don't really know how to share an image here. I can see you can do it with a URL but I don't have anywhere to upload it to 😕









  4. Hey,


    The missile I have modelled isn't showing effects when in flight (i.e. burning rear, smoke trail).

    At the moment I'm using the effect from the Titan:


    effectsMissile = "missile2";


    The effect works fine when the model is that of the titan, but when changed to my new model it does not appear.

    Hence I'm guessing the effect is generated from a memory point, which I do not have in my model.


    Trouble is...what's the memory point called? 

    I can't find it in any references.





  5. Hey, thanks for getting back on this one Jackal.

    I did have mass assigned but thanks for the suggestion.


    I think maneuverability and a couple of other config settings turned out to be the issue. They worked independently but when combined something was messing up.

    Not exactly sure since I ended up starting virtually from scratch again with the config, but guess that's how it goes sometimes 🙄





  6. Hey


    I'm having a lot of difficulty trying to get a material to look half decent.

    It's supposed to be a smooth, and therefore quite reflective, metal.


    I've done as much reading as I can into SMDI maps and as far as I can tell the G channel can be used to set specular level while B sets smoothness.

    So I appplied an SMDI map with pure white in the Blue channel as a test but the material still doesn't remotely look like a smooth metal.


    I'm not aware of any 'metalness' parameter for materials in Arma, nor any way to set how reflective a material is, so I'm a bit lost on how to get this looking good now.

    Any advice would be very welcome.





  7. Anyone suggest why the model I've made for a beam-riding missile isn't following the beam? It ends up veering off in odd directions.
    I'm fairly sure it's something I've missed in the .p3d as everything works fine until I set the model.


    At my wits end trying to figure this out...whatever I'm missing is apparently not obvious in all the guidance provided.





  8. I created a new ammo which inherits everything from the BIM-9X to get a clearer picture.

    First I change:

    lockType = 1;

    Congrats, you now have a beam-riding BIM-9X.

    So now I change:

    model = "law_mod1\addons\law_addon1\data\myModel.p3d";

    The model loads fine but it now flies in random spinning motions all over the place.

    Clearly it's something to do with how the .p3d is set up but I have no idea what.





  9. I've built a new missile type projectile, with beam-riding guidance, which comes out of the launcher in the correct direction.
    However, the munition doesn't follow it's beam, instead veering wildly off course.


    At first it seemed it was a guidance issue, like trying to track another target, but after upping the ability of the missile to maneuver I think it's more likely the missile is being thrown about by some rotating animation.

    I'd included an axis that I was going to animate in flight once I'd actually figured out how to do that, but I'm a bit confused about why it's animating when I haven't set this up at all. No model config or anything.


    I'm currently trying to suss out what I need to check to see if this theory is correct.






  10. Ok, well I managed to fix it I think.


    Not exactly sure what did it in the end...I removed a parent 'law' folder and then in the process of updating everything else the error seems to no longer be an issue.

    This was my new file structure: 



    P:\modName\addons\addonName\data\< files here>



    For reference, to get this working with the above structure I had to set:


    - Addon prefix in BIS Addon Builder:




    - Material file path in Object Builder:




    Thanks for trying Dedmen!





  11. On 3/16/2020 at 9:08 AM, Dedmen said:

    where is that? inside your pbo?

    If that is your prefix, that means your stuff should be in


    but thats not the path you posted above.


    This was generated by the BIS addon builder (yes I know everyone says don't use it...I'm having issues getting pboProject to run at the moment).

    I just tried to force the addon prefix to the following:





    However when I do this it fails to even load the .p3d, which was working before.

    Seems like it's one rule set for the model and another for the rvmat?






  12. On 3/12/2020 at 1:34 PM, Dedmen said:

    Did you set the correct pboprefix when packing your pbo?


    Well...I have a prefix. How correct it is I'm not sure.




    Do I then subtract anything prior to this path when referencing in the object builder?




    If I do, I am then not able to see it's effects in preview and must pack and load the mod to see it?

  13. Can't seem to figure out the correct way to reference the RV mat file in my P: drive and have it work in game once packed up.

    My file structure is:





    In object builder it works if I assign the following:





    However in game I am told the material file cannot be found.

    I've tried a few iterations now and can't seem to figure the correct way to work.

    Advice would be much appreciated!





  14. I think some more detail on setting up sub-munitions would be useful, particularly when it comes to the spawn cone.

    For example, the different cone types are not described, nor the significance of each array value in the custom cone type.


    I've spent pretty much a solid day trying to create three sub-munitions which spawn and fly parallel to the parent munition in even thirds of a circle around it, and even now they are still appearing with random spreads and diverging away from the parent in a 'cone' shape.


    I'm also pretty convinced the sub-munitions are not following the targeting of the parent (in this case beam-riding) which is disappointing if it is an engine limitation.

  15. Pretty simple question...is it possible for submunitions to retain the lock / tracking of their parent?

    Example: a beam-riding missile splits into a number of clusters which continue to be guided by the launcher?


    I've set up my test submunitions using the same settings as the parent but it doesn't look like they are being affected by the operator's movements at present.

    If it can't be done with this method...anybody got experience with alternative solutions?




