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Everything posted by lawman_actual

  1. lawman_actual

    Terrible Frame Rate on Windows 10

    Hi everyone Apologies for going dark for the last few days, laptop suddenly started turning off without any shut-down sequence (Said it encountered unexpected fatal error or something) No idea if this is related or not; i took it to some PC guys on my university campus and it seems to be working now, but they didn't give me any info on what they did or what might have been wrong with it. I'll get around to catching up on these suggestions shortly
  2. lawman_actual

    Terrible Frame Rate on Windows 10

    I see (that's partially a lie. We're starting to venture outside the realm of things I know much about) So the question remains, what should I try next? Should I be investigating a "loss of priority" as suggested by Lex or checking clockspeed? (And how might I do these things) Thanks again for the help everyone
  3. lawman_actual

    Terrible Frame Rate on Windows 10

    This is all very interesting. I have noticed Anti-Malware service executable running relatively high on the list of processes (not usually on top if i remember correctly though) and I have seen messages similar to the images you posted. I had wondered if it was a priority thing, but I'm not familiar enough with the topic to be able to investigate. If anyone can suggest what actions to take based on the above i'd be very grateful! I will also try the auto-detect thing later tonight
  4. lawman_actual

    Terrible Frame Rate on Windows 10

    I have tried running the game without BattleEye and the problem still appeared. I have also tried running a couple of other games and they ran without problem. I truly am bemused. Feel free to check out the very minimal support i have been offered so far on the windows 10 forum. I'm hoping that they're going to get back to me with more support just as soon as they're done celebrating Easter or whatever
  5. lawman_actual

    Terrible Frame Rate on Windows 10

    I feel like I might have seen a file like this on my desktop at some point but probably deleted it without thinking (if it did appear it would have been before I became fully aware of these problems) No clue what to do about it though
  6. lawman_actual

    Terrible Frame Rate on Windows 10

    Ok I guess I can give 362 a try over 361.91. Will report back tomorrow most likely; this whole process is leaving me exhausted
  7. lawman_actual

    Terrible Frame Rate on Windows 10

    Me again. I tried installing the 364.72 version and the problem persisted. I tried going back to the 361.91 and the problem persisted. Even with textures on low and shadows disabled I'm only able to reach 16 FPS playing offline. I tried a game online and saw FPS as low as 6. This is so depressing -_-
  8. lawman_actual

    Terrible Frame Rate on Windows 10

    That's interesting. One of the first things I did after doing some Googling was to update various drivers. I went through the Dell support website (they have a pretty neat little section with drivers for BIOS, audio, graphics etc all in one place) and I'm pretty sure I updated my nVidia one. I have geforce GT 750M version 353.62 according to the nvidia control panel. I've just checked on the nVidia website itself and there's more recent versions that were specifically under the windows 10 section (up to 364.72) for the 750M. I'll try these first, then if there's still problems maybe I'll try some older versions. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll report back with my findings
  9. lawman_actual

    Terrible Frame Rate on Windows 10

    I tried increasing the pagefile size to 8GB with no success. The game is (I believe) installed on HDD I have also tried playing about with advanced parameters such as maxMem without any improvement. I think I had a go at lowering texture quality, but I will try again tomorrow in case. I would be annoyed if I had to lower it from what was working on Windows 8, but we will see... Thanks again for the tips. I gather i'm not the only one to have seen this, though I'm aware that there are people who are happily running Arma on windows 10 :/
  10. lawman_actual

    Terrible Frame Rate on Windows 10

    Hi Hubert I have tried changing in-game graphics settings (draw distances and shadow etc) with no consequence. I am not sure what you mean about "raise file swap", this is not a term I am familiar with
  11. Hi All Just wondering if we can get some suggestions going for good music to play while in combat. What I'm looking for is; - something with a military feel (typically this means horns somewhere in there) - something with a strong sense of urgency and drama (so likely to be faster pace and including other instruments; not just horns and drums) Only example I have found so far is the Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising theme (second half...not the throat singing) Usually when I search for suggestions like this i get either; - 'memorial type' military music; almost like a horn solo that is very sombre and not very fast paced - death metal/shredding/rock etc. - orchestral arrangements from films, which although good - lack the military element The above are examples of what I am not looking for. Thanks in advance!
  12. lawman_actual

    Appropriate Combat Music: Military but high tempo

    Can I also say there is a definite NO on anything with Choral singing in it. It just casts the wrong images of other-worldly battles, not small(er) scale, real-world, calculated engagements.
  13. lawman_actual

    Appropriate Combat Music: Military but high tempo

    Nightmare - Perfect, you understood precisely what I was after with Assault Horizon. Also enjoyed Resist a lot. Parts of it were a little too intense, but others fitted perfectly with what I was looking for. Everyone else, I'm afraid you're not quite in the same ballpark. Maybe I was wrong to suggest urgency - the tempo in the examples you guys provided tends to be much higher than the OF:DR example I posted, which actually has a much slower melody. Also, they were typically much too high in "intensity" or "drama". I guess I'm looking for something that's not as slow as the "memorial" type military music that often comes up in searches, but is not as "end-of-the-worldy" as some of the hardcore cinematic style stuff you suggested. Best summary I can provide: "I want to feel the purpose of the overall campaign and to be reminded of the military aspect, but without being too fierce". Very specific requirements I know, but I'm just hoping to find a small playlist of songs I can use while offline that fit the bill (reference OF:DR theme). Thanks again everyone.
  14. lawman_actual

    Kills not registering properly

    Any chance we can see a little more of the script in context? Not sure yet if I have any legitimate idea what the issue is but it would help to see a more complete picture
  15. Just been modifying an old script I wrote for spawning in different artillery strikes and was confused by the fact that my strikes no longer seemed to be working. A little investigation (switching camera to one of the spawned shells) shows that the shell, in this case M_Mo_155mm_AT_LG is being spawned in a the right place, but is inexplicably diverting upwards in a weird kind of arc that takes it flying into outer space. This happens even if I just spawn in the shell without modifying it's DirAndUp or Velocity. At present, I have the following settings that orientate the shell towards the ground and give it a little speed once spawned at a height of 150m: base sideChat "Splash"; sleep _mortarReload; _dirVar = [0,360] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _disVar = [0,20] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _spawnPosMod = [_targetATL, _disVar, _dirVar] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _spawnPosMod set [2,150]; _shell = "M_Mo_155mm_AT_LG" createVehicle _spawnPosMod; setAccTime 0.4; //This is just so I can see what's happening to the shell in detail _shell switchCamera "EXTERNAL"; _shell setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.5,-5],[0,0,1]]; sleep ([0,0.3] call BIS_fnc_randomInt); _shell setVelocity _spawnVelocity;
  16. Not entirely sure how but I think it was related to some delays I had between spawning and orientating the shell. Seems to be working....for now.
  17. I should point out it's not like it's just following a straight line pointing in the wrong direction. It's starting off falling toward the ground, but then it seems to keep flipping and changing direction as various weird forces start to influence it. I also don't understand why some shells (like ModuleOrdnanceMortar_F_ammo) don't move even if you give them a velocity, they just sit where they were spawned.
  18. Oh, one more thing... To change DUWS files should I be looking at the .pbo located at: C:\Users\ME\Documents\Arma 3\Saved\steam\[sp%2fmp]dynamic%20universal%20war%20system.altis I'm guessing you need some program to edit .pbo's?
  19. Hi Hollander Thank you for your very thorough reply! I think I'm starting to understand this process a little bit now I'm glad you understood my question about adding functions to scenarios, though I still could do with a little more clarification. As an example, I have been working on an artillery/air-strike request GUI which is opened through the radio. If I wanted that facility to be available in another mission that I make, I could copy each of the files into the new mission folder, but then if I found something I wanted to improve later on I'd have to update every file in every mission that uses it. So I guess I was wondering if there was a way of centralising that process such as seems to be the case with this mod If I understand this mod's claims correctly (I've not actually downloaded it so I can't be sure), the "Personal arsenal" system becomes available anywhere So perhaps there is a way of 'packaging' the files required to define the GUI and execute scripts to call the strikes, and all that is required is a reference within the mission to say "use these files"? I'm not sure if that makes sense... Your Help Is much appreciated
  20. I'm going to have to figure this out on my own? :cry2:
  21. lawman_actual

    Medium Utility Helicopters

    Lovely job Rhino, thanks so much. It all works beautifully and looks great One query that springs to mind...how might one force the opening or closing of doors as part of a mission? I love the option for the pilot to close doors to certain aircraft in the action menu, but how does one take that action and implement it in .sqf?
  22. I have the following code snippets: _site13 = createLocation ["group_0", getMarkerPos "objmark13", 0, 0]; _site13 setName "site13"; AR_siteList = ["site1","site2","site3","site4","site5","site6","site7","site8","site9","site10","site11","site12","site13"]; fnc_triggerUnitsChanged = { _thisList = _this select 0; _thisListPrev = _this select 1; { //for each entering unit _newUnit = (_thisList - _thisListPrev) select 0; _siteList = nearestLocations [(getPos (_newUnit)), ["Area","group_0","Name"], 250]; _nearest = (_siteList select 0); _strNearest = (format ['"%1"',_nearest]); _objRef = AR_siteList find str _strNearest; _oldNumber = ticker select (_objRef); _side = side _newUnit; hint (format ["sites: %1 | StrNearest: %3 | ObjRef: %2", _siteList, _objRef, _strNearest]); if ((str _side) == "West") then {ticker set [(_objRef),(_oldNumber + 1)];} else {}; if ((str _side) == "East") then {ticker set [(_objRef),(_oldNumber - 1)];} else {}; //hint (format ["Influence: %1", ticker select (_myObj - 1)]); } forEach (_thisList - _thisListPrev); { //for each leaving unit _newUnit = (_thisListPrev - _thisList) select 0; _siteList = nearestLocations [(getPos (_newUnit)), ["Area","group_0","Name"], 250]; _nearest = (_siteList select 0); _objRef = AR_siteList find _nearest; _oldNumber = ticker select (_objRef); _side = side _newUnit; if ((str _side) == "West") then {ticker set [(_objRef),(_oldNumber + 1)];} else {}; if ((str _side) == "East") then {ticker set [(_objRef),(_oldNumber - 1)];} else {}; //hint (format ["Influence: %1", ticker select (_myObj - 1)]); } forEach (_thisListPrev - _thisList); }; However the following piece of code is producing a zero divisor error: _oldNumber = ticker select (_objRef); From hinting some of my variables I have determined that the following is returning objRef as -1 _siteList = nearestLocations [(getPos (_newUnit)), ["Area","group_0","Name"], 250]; _nearest = (_siteList select 0); _strNearest = (format ['"%1"',_nearest]); _objRef = AR_siteList find str _strNearest; From hinting I have also found that these are returned: _siteList = [site13] _nearest = site13 _strNearest = "site13" Given that _strNearest is being returned as "site13" I can't see why it won't return the correct position in the array AR_siteList. Especially since I tried manually overriding _strNearest to "site13" within the script and it all worked perfectly.
  23. lawman_actual

    find "site13" within array

    Hm. It would seem that in both cases the position is being returned as "any" when hinted or sidechatted. And yet with the second example the waypoint is correctly set and in the first it is not. Edit: I think I've spotted the problem. Some of the _objpos have been mistyped as objpos and I was struggling to spot it without the formatting (it was all green as part of the waypoint statement).
  24. lawman_actual

    find "site13" within array

    I'm actually experiencing a similar problem now with finding the position of a marker that's stored in an array (this is all in the .init) At the start I define the following: markerlist = ["objmark1","objmark2","objmark3","objmark4","objmark5","objmark6","objmark7","objmark8","objmark9","objmark10","objmark11","objmark12","objmark13"]; But when I come to set a waypoint at the position of the marker, I found that the position was being returned as "any". Here's the code I was using: starthemtt = createVehicle ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F", _startspawn, [], 0, "NONE"]; _newgroup = createGroup west; _dag1a1 = _newgroup createUnit ["B_Soldier_GL_F",[135,122,0],[],0.5,"CORPORAL"]; _dag1a1 addEventHandler ["killed", {null = call {_this execVM "respawni.sqf";}}]; _dag1a2 = _newgroup createUnit ["B_soldier_AR_F",getMarkerPos "respawn1",[],0.5,"PRIVATE"]; _dag1a2 addEventHandler ["killed", {null = call {_this execVM "respawni.sqf";}}]; _dag1a3 = _newgroup createUnit ["B_medic_F",getMarkerPos "respawn1",[],0.5,"PRIVATE"]; _dag1a3 addEventHandler ["killed", {null = call {_this execVM "respawni.sqf";}}]; _dag1a4 = _newgroup createUnit ["B_soldier_LAT_F",getMarkerPos "respawn1",[],0.5,"PRIVATE"]; _dag1a4 addEventHandler ["killed", {null = call {_this execVM "respawni.sqf";}}]; _old = +(assignmentus select numbhandle); _new = (_old + [_dag1a1,_dag1a2,_dag1a3,_dag1a4]); assignmentus set [numbhandle, _new]; hemttcrew = group _dag1a1; hemttcrew allowFleeing 0; starthemtt setDir ([(getPos starthemtt), (getMarkerPos newobj)] call BIS_fnc_dirTo); hemttcrew setCombatMode "YELLOW"; w_unload = hemttcrew addWaypoint [_startdeploy, 1]; w_unload setWaypointType "MOVE"; hemttcrew setCurrentWaypoint w_unload; if (chosenside == 1) then { potentialunits = potentialunits + units _newgroup; } else {}; w_unload setWaypointStatements ["true", " _myvehicle = (vehicle this); _myvehicle lock false; _aunit = (assignedDriver _myvehicle); _myDriver = [assignedDriver _myvehicle]; _myGunner = [assignedGunner _myvehicle]; _myCargo = assignedCargo _myvehicle; _incargo = []; _incargo = _incargo + _myDriver + _myGunner + _myCargo; _alphagroup = group (_incargo select 0); { doGetOut _x} foreach _incargo; {_x leaveVehicle _myvehicle} foreach _incargo; _endof = count assignmentus; for '_a' from 0 to _endof do { _ismine = (assignmentus select _a) find _aunit; if (_ismine > -1) then {_number = _a; objnumb = +_number;_a = _endof;} else {}; }; _thisobj = (markerlist select objnumb); objpos = getMarkerPos _thisobj; hint (format ['Obj: %1 Pos: %2', _thisobj, _objpos]); player sideChat (format ['%1', _markerlist]); if (player in _incargo) then {_thisobj setMarkerAlpha 1;} else {}; alphaobj = alphagroup addWaypoint [objpos, 25]; alphaobj setWaypointType 'SAD'; alphaobj setWaypointCombatMode 'RED'; alphagroup setCurrentWaypoint alphaobj;"]; _dag1a1 moveInDriver starthemtt; _dag1a2 moveInGunner starthemtt; _dag1a3 moveInCargo starthemtt; _dag1a4 moveInCargo starthemtt; A hint tells me that _thisobj is being returned as objmark13, but it's refusing to return the position of the marker (yes the marker definitely exists.) I have also tried doing a string of that so I am finding the pos of "objmark13". What's really confusing me about this one is that an identical example is working for a slightly different situation involving HEMTTs, Helos and APCs. Here's one example in which the marker pos is successfully found: _newgroup = createGroup west; _dag1a1 = _newgroup createUnit ["B_Soldier_GL_F",[135,122,0],[],0.5,"CORPORAL"]; _dag1a1 addEventHandler ["killed", {null = call {_this execVM "respawni.sqf";}}]; _dag1a2 = _newgroup createUnit ["B_soldier_AR_F",getMarkerPos "respawn1",[],0.5,"PRIVATE"]; _dag1a2 addEventHandler ["killed", {null = call {_this execVM "respawni.sqf";}}]; _dag1a3 = _newgroup createUnit ["B_medic_F",getMarkerPos "respawn1",[],0.5,"PRIVATE"]; _dag1a3 addEventHandler ["killed", {null = call {_this execVM "respawni.sqf";}}]; _dag1a4 = _newgroup createUnit ["B_soldier_LAT_F",getMarkerPos "respawn1",[],0.5,"PRIVATE"]; _dag1a4 addEventHandler ["killed", {null = call {_this execVM "respawni.sqf";}}]; _newgroup2 = createGroup west; _dag1b1 = _newgroup2 createUnit ["B_Soldier_GL_F",[135,122,0],[],0.5,"CORPORAL"]; _dag1b1 addEventHandler ["killed", {null = call {_this execVM "respawni.sqf";}}]; _dag1b2 = _newgroup2 createUnit ["B_soldier_AR_F",getMarkerPos "respawn1",[],0.5,"PRIVATE"]; _dag1b2 addEventHandler ["killed", {null = call {_this execVM "respawni.sqf";}}]; _dag1b3 = _newgroup2 createUnit ["B_medic_F",getMarkerPos "respawn1",[],0.5,"PRIVATE"]; _dag1b3 addEventHandler ["killed", {null = call {_this execVM "respawni.sqf";}}]; _dag1b4 = _newgroup2 createUnit ["B_soldier_LAT_F",getMarkerPos "respawn1",[],0.5,"PRIVATE"]; _dag1b4 addEventHandler ["killed", {null = call {_this execVM "respawni.sqf";}}]; _old = +(assignmentus select numbhandle); _new = (_old + [_dag1a1,_dag1a2,_dag1a3,_dag1a4,_dag1b1,_dag1b2,_dag1b3,_dag1b4]); assignmentus set [numbhandle, +_new]; if (chosenside == 1) then { potentialunits = potentialunits + units _newgroup; potentialunits = potentialunits + units _newgroup2; } else {}; w_unload setWaypointStatements ["true", " _myvehicle = vehicle (thislist select 0); _myvehicle lock false; _increw = (assignedDriver _myvehicle); _incargo = (assignedCargo _myvehicle); { doGetOut _x} foreach _incargo; {_x leaveVehicle _myvehicle} foreach _incargo; _aunit = _incargo call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _endof = count assignmentus; for '_a' from 0 to _endof do { _ismine = (assignmentus select _a) find _aunit; if (_ismine > -1) then {_number = _a; objnumb = +_number;_a = _endof;} else {}; }; _thisobj = markerlist select objnumb; objpos = getMarkerPos _thisobj; player sideChat (format ['Obj: %1 Pos: %2', _thisobj, _objpos]); if (player in _incargo) then {_thisobj setMarkerAlpha 1;} else {}; _aunit = _incargo call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; alphagroup = (group _aunit); _incargo = _incargo - (units alphagroup); _aunit = _incargo call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; bravogroup = (group _aunit); _incargo = _incargo - units bravogroup; alphaobj = alphagroup addWaypoint [objpos, 25]; alphaobj setWaypointType 'SAD'; alphaobj setWaypointCombatMode 'RED'; alphagroup setCurrentWaypoint alphaobj; bravoobj = bravogroup addWaypoint [objpos, 25]; bravoobj setWaypointType 'SAD'; bravoobj setWaypointCombatMode 'RED'; bravogroup setCurrentWaypoint bravoobj; _rtbpos = getMarkerPos 'usdeploymark'; _rtb = (group _increw) addWaypoint [_rtbpos, 50]; _rtb setWaypointType 'MOVE'; _rtb setWaypointStatements ['true', '{_myvehicle deleteVehicleCrew _x} forEach crew _myvehicle; deleteVehicle myvehicle;'];"]; _dag1a1 moveInCargo starthemtt; _dag1a2 moveInCargo starthemtt; _dag1a3 moveInCargo starthemtt; _dag1a4 moveInCargo starthemtt; _dag1b1 moveInCargo starthemtt; _dag1b2 moveInCargo starthemtt; _dag1b3 moveInCargo starthemtt; _dag1b4 moveInCargo starthemtt; It's really stumping me how the same code is finding the markerPos in one example and not in the other. I've tried copying and pasting bits of code to make sure they're the same and they should be.
  25. lawman_actual

    find "site13" within array

    Thanks entity, that probably explains it. I've actually changed how I do this now and the code is no longer in use - so I'm afraid I won't be checking at the moment!