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About task_force_valkyrie

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  1. Task Force Valkyrie is a small and versatile Milsim unit. Our goal is to give our members the feeling of being part of a real military operation. With a rotation system that enables us to focus on a single goal in a defined area, our missions can run for several weeks, spread out over two weekly sessions. Between deployments, Home Rotations are used to improve our skills, both unitwide, but also down to every individual soldier. Join our Infantry sections, our Cavalry or our Airforce, and let us do what we love: Giving you the time of your life. We can tempt with a series of well thought-out mods and several maps, that improves the realism and immersion factor for all our members. Combine that with a good structure, fixed sections and a constant welcoming of a good laugh, and you'll know what kind of a group we are. We have personal uniforms for everyone that passes their recruitment phase, with custom loadouts that suits their role on the battlefield. In the works are also custom vehicles with AAA quality that we wish to use to make us a true NATO styled unit with our own personal touch. TFVs goal are to grow large enough to have a fully sized mechanized infantry company, combined with a potent airforce for both CAS, resupply and medical support. With real life experiences from military services, several of our leaders will ensure tactical gameplay, yet keeping it fun. Serious fun. Currently we have about 25 members with roughly 10-15 active members each weekly training session, and we are growing quickly! Our requirements: You are over 18 years of age. You have a working microphone. You are able to attend our weekly sessions, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Both days from 20.00 CET. You can function within a group, as well as think for yourself. You understand english. A good sense of humour is a big plus. Try us out today at http://tfv.enjin.com/
  2. Squad name: Task Force Valkyrie Timezone/location : GMT+1 Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Large scale coop Contact email: divisionh@outlook.com Website address: www.tfv.enjin.com Short description: We are a milsim unit based out of Europe with a great empasis on teamwork and varied gameplay. We do rotations in different theaters every few weeks. Training twice a week. We are also working on making alot of inhouse custom gear such as personal uniforms and the likes for our members. Currently 12-15 active each training and growing quickly. Language: English
  3. task_force_valkyrie

    [WIP]F-16C Fighting Falcon Standalone

    Looking great man, will be good to have a high defenition F-16 up in the air.