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About Th3IndianCannon

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  1. Alright, I am just getting in some scripting practice and I'm trying to script a simple investigative action here. The problem I am having is getting the Action "Investigate Body" to go away while I'm WALKING AWAY from the body, not when I do the action. I have not fully scripted the action script, as I am just trying to get it to go away when I walk away from the body. I really need some help here, once again I am sorry that i can't locate a similar topic and that I had to post in here, but i figured this probably gets the most views so I would get the help that I am searching for. Right now my scripts look like this: civ1invest = create Trigger ["EmptyDetector",position Civ_1]; sleep 1; civ1invest setTriggerArea [5,5,0,false]; civ1invest setTriggerActivation["WEST", "PRESENT",true]; civ1invest setTriggerStatements ["this", player addAction ["<t color=#FF0000'>Investigate Body</t>","], player removeAction _Id I am confused as I was told the best way to keep track of the id's assigned to the actions were to put it in a variable. I tried that as well with different code, but I still couldn't figure it out. This thing has me going crazy. Please help!