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Posts posted by sfod-d_snakebite

  1. Put this in the init line, where 99999 is the time in seconds before the unit can wake up again:

    if (isServer) then { [this, true, 99999] call ACE_Medical_fnc_setUnconscious; };

    If you want that the unit can not wake up anymore, you can use the following script:

    // This simple script will make a unit constantly unconscious. Even if someone treats him, the unit will blackout again. It's meant to force rescue teams to carry a hostage to safety rather than dealing with a stupid AI dude or having one player playing the hostage all the time.
    // Execute in the init line of the affected unit: null = this execVM "constantBlackout.sqf";
    // It's enough if only the server executes this.
    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    while {true} do {
        sleep 6;
        //_this allowDamage false;
        if (!(_this getVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious", False])) then { [_this, true, 99999] call ACE_Medical_fnc_setUnconscious;};

    Just copy&paste in a file called constantBlackout.sqf (or whatever name you prefer) and call it from the init line of the unit (null = this execVM "constantBlackout.sqf";).



    Btw don't forget to allow unconsciousness AI in the ACE settings. When it's disabled, AI will simply die instead of going unconscious. When it's set to 50/50, AI with die 50% of the time.


    Many thnaks I will try and let you know. However where I allow the unconciousness?Thanks [2R]Dragon :)

  2. I have a question. I try to read in the forum but maybe I miss it. In case I ask sorry for re-up the question:


    Is it possible to spawn a unit inoncious? For example I have to make a SAR mission and I want to arrive at the crash site and find the pilot unconcious, but I don't find any way to do it. Only with the zeus module, but, I'd like to put a code in the init field to have the unit already inconcious on the ground. Possible this? Help please :)

  3. performance is really good on this map. I think its better to have 1 big map to give players more possibilities.



    The fps drop is minimal. Maybe 1 or 2 fps less. I have 3 Missions on MSKE and allot of experience on it.

    You dont need 4 separate terrains believe me...


    Oh ok, thanks to all of you guys. I thinsk that the map bigger it is, more FPS drop it will be. Thanks for it!

  4. A2:OA vehicle and weapons mods work with A3....kinda.

    You wont get any weapon sounds but vehicles do move and stuff, providing they're not big planes, they don't work what-so-ever 


    If you remember there was a patch a while ago (might of been the transition between Beta and full release) where it broken weapon sounds (they changed the sound archive destination i believe) and mod authors had to update their mods for the sounds to work again. Thats why A2 mods don't work with A3 anymore, before that patch you could use the Eurofighter in A3.


    And big planes don't work because of a physics X change, it broke Denzik's Jets and the E3 AWACS from the USAF mod (for a time). The Wings of the East Mod for A2 could work fully if you know how to update the vehicles physics to work  


    First thanks for the info. However I looking only for veichles. Weapons there are too much of them in A3. I will try. Thanks again or the info officeramr!

  5. Hi 19thcyperevenge.

    The quality of your detail really impress. However I want an info. I see that your mapp will requied JBAD buildings. However, what happen to the ai near the wall? I see that ai pass wall with no problem and if u (player) running with a car onto it, u destroy the car. I ask this because I'm scared that happen also on this awesome map. I don't want to take cover and ai spawn behind me like there is no wall. Thanks for the attention.

  6. I have a serious question for the community. The B-1 and the B-2 who can honestly say that you or your community use them?

    Hi Fuller. Welcome back. First thanks again for your work. However if I can give a suggestion for the B2/B1, they will be more interesting/usable, if there is an option to use them like AC-130. Yes, I know that won't be the same thingh, but maybe, and I say maye, we can give to this 2 bomber a "second chance". What u think about it? And comunity what think about? I am completely wrong about?

    (And also an option to call the Awacs on the filed for a limited time to show enemy will be possible?)

    Thanks again for your nice work. Have a nice time all :)
