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Posts posted by sfod-d_snakebite

  1. On 5/20/2020 at 7:21 PM, KajSchak said:

    Hi there! Thank you guys for the great work you are putting into your mods.

    In the past days I have flown the C-17 a couple of times and I recognized that the Pilots->HUD perspective is a litte off set from center-line. It is the same for pilot and co-pilot. I have attached a picture with the plane correctly alligned on the runway. I've now figured out what the issue was, but before I could hardly land it.

    Thanks again.


    Maybe I'm writing somethingh stupid, but... C-17 have pilot and co-pilot side-by-side, So it will never possible that the Hud will be alignment, or in this case (pilot hud perfectoly aligned) u will have the C-17 a little bit slide on the right. It's not a fighter jet that have the perfect alignment. Not possible, cause fighter jet have one behind another, but not side-by-side pilot+copilot 🙂

    • Like 1

  2. 5 hours ago, Hawkbug said:

    I tried Vutluals's Helicopter but found the modeling and texture of RHS to be vastly superior.


    I understood, but there are many addons, u can try a lot of them. Unluckly UH-1Y reskin of RHS for US Army there are not. So u have to tray other. Have you try the first I suggest you?

  3. 12 hours ago, Hawkbug said:

    Yes, I am aware that the US Army does not use the UH-1 Y but it would be the perfect helicopter for our purposes, with the exception of its traditional skin, hence a desire to alter the skin a bit.


    Yeah, I agree, but why u don't try other mods? There are much of very very close of what u looking for...

  4. 9 hours ago, doctorbutts said:

    I'm still getting a failure 100% of the time. I've removed all mods and running just vanilla and the non-beta version of the mod. I'm not sure what else to check.





    Maybe, I'm writing a stupid thingh, but BI after last patch release (2-3 days ago) wrote to keep in consideration to check the Arma 3 integrity folder via Steam... Maybe it's unsufeul, but u can try it, just to be sure...

  5. Ciao Firewill 😊

    I hope that it’s not be already asked (sorry but with tablet version of the forum the possibility to search and check in the thread it’s very limited), but it exist a sort of tutorial (pdf or video) of your entire armament system? And also the features of your airplanes feature? I’m asking cause I take ArmA again and I want to use some of your addons. Thanks for your work. Have a nice time m8 👋

  6. 23 hours ago, flanders25 said:

    Firewill has full permission to do so, although I am not sure if he will. That's up to him. On another note, I have always been working on the legacy hornets, such as the C & D and I do think the C will possibly make a release before I leave. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/823441571256037844/4BB15387C2D1562DDFE2E557B10BD3FA44824B7D/


    F-18C? Nice to hear somethingh like this. Hope not only a simple idea. But of course this is just what I hope. However dear flanders25, thanks for your work! :)
