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Everything posted by Kaniva58

  1. Hi all, I have a problem with creating a VAS supply drop module in my multiplayer game i have used the crate init as described in other posts: _this addAction["<t color=#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf]; but with no effect the helicopter flys over and drops a crate but its not the VAS. I've tried this addaction and it works in editor and when localhost it just not in multiplayer. Also read in another post that this was a older know bugg and wondering if anyone has found the answer to this problem. Greetz,
  2. Kaniva58

    clan tags arn't working on linux?

    Well the thing is it worked till about 3 weeks ago then it just stopped. Maybe due to a game update ?
  3. This only as its testmission init.sqf while {True} do { player setfatigue (getfatigue player - 0.2 - random 0.2); sleep 5; }; FNC_AddVASAction = { _this addAction["<t color='#ff11ff'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf"]; lightVAS = _this addAction ["Light Off",{_supplyLight = nearestObject [player, "Chemlight_green"]; deleteVehicle _supplyLight; _this select 0 removeAction lightVAS;}]; }; it was like that. now after u mentioned the init tried a clean init with only your init line and it worked just gotta test it on server now. after the clean one i added the line below and it works now its like this FNC_AddVASAction = { _this addAction["<t color='#ff11ff'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf"]; lightVAS = _this addAction ["Light Off",{_supplyLight = nearestObject [player, "Chemlight_green"]; deleteVehicle _supplyLight; _this select 0 removeAction lightVAS;}]; }; while {True} do { player setfatigue (getfatigue player - 0.2 - random 0.2); sleep 5; }; tried in server in MP and its working NICE :D
  4. it drops beautifully, tho the crate is empty and no VAS either tried in mp also on server. this is the error i get: [bIS_fnc_MPexec] Function or scripting command "Fnc_AddVASAction" does not exist
  5. Kaniva58


    First of all sorry i ment to reply to my old threat instead i made a new post : / The post: VAS supply drop in Multiplayer If a admin sees this please delete
  6. still detaching 3-4 seconds after the dropoff : / at least in editor tho dont suppose it will be different in mp
  7. yes Soolie the chute does attach to the box but disappears after a second or 2 then the ammo box freefals down sometimes its ok but on a few tries it burned up. also tried with the VAS on new line in script.
  8. Awesome script Soolie thx just one little error the chute seems do vanish right after drop making the crate fall and damage it any simple way to fix that ?
  9. Kaniva58

    Squad XML not working since 1.30

    Anyone know if there is a server setting for this since 2 weeks now it stopped working on our dedicated server worked before. I still see the tag and image when localhost it and on other servers just not ours anyone know what this could be ?
  10. Yes got the same problem with the VAS and supply module works when localhost it and in editor but on our dedicated server it drops a regular ammo crate instead. Used: _this addAction["<t color=#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf]; in the crate init tried synched with player and on trigger both not dropping the VAS. after hour of forum hopping cant find much on this hopefully someone here has a idea of how to fix it?
  11. got the same think on dedicated server 1000+ lines of identity not found each time i log in. any update on what causes this? or is it what fredkatz here mentioned and are these messages harmful ?
  12. Have the same serverlog spams 1000 lines+ each time i connect to server it takes long to connect but after that seems to run ok. still dont like this message anyone find out what causes this problem ?
  13. Kaniva58

    clan tags arn't working on linux?

    For some reason squad.xml isnt showing on our own dedicated server but i can see it on other servers and also in localhost. Anyone know what could couse this ?