:confused:...I am unable to do so..
I try to follow your advise, i take the same blender file. I add the same cube on a third layer with a "Geometry PhysX" preset with a mass 1000. I export the p3d. (I have selectionned my three cubes before the export) (but not joined the cubes).... I made the .pbo file with AddonBuilder, put the pbo file in "Addon" folder, launched arma3, make a mission on the editor; and on the preview, i see my cube but I pass through the cube. :banghead::banghead:
So i made an another test:
same thing i take my blender file, no third layer, just two cubes : "Lod 1.0" and "Geometry PhysX" on two differents layers ... it's not working. same result ... I pass through the cube. :banghead::banghead:
I don't understand why... I don't understand where is the problem...I don't see anything. i'm lost ^^... :butbut:
I don't understand because i found >>>this<<< on this thread, and there is no "Geometry PhysX", justs LOD's 1.0 and Geometry. I can't pass through the cube. It's working. All is working on this file ! :bounce3:
Could you help me ^^ ?
Thanks a lot !