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Everything posted by hillbro

  1. Honestly it sounds like its a mod issue. I have probably about 35 mods running and the mission (1-8 Player Coop) runs perfectly fine. It is going to be a pain but you need to enable one mod at a time and figure out what mod is causing the crash. Also specify which mission you are running.
  2. @SaOk Thank you so much! Finally we can restart! I can confirm that the scrapping vehicles at the factory IS WORKING in CoOp (1-8 players). It only works on certain sides of the factory...my guess is that you are using a radius of the building location that is not quite at the center. Disabling AI Artillery does NOT work in CoOp (1-8 players). Have tested this over multiple sessions. Even tried disabling it before I launched the map on a fresh start. It would be awesome to be able to disable the Arma 3 Fatigue system and modify view distance. Thank you SaOk!! Hillbro
  3. @SaOk I should have been more clear! I only play the coop version with friends. Normally when you select a coop mission when you are hosting a server you can select restart or resume but this map doesn't seem to have that option. Even deleting the mission file didn't do it! Thanks for replying! Hillbro
  4. Hi SaOk! Thanks for building the greatest Arma 3 Sandbox mission available for Arma 3 to date! I have a couple of questions for you: 1) Can you build in a solid way to restart the map or provide instruction on how to do so? I have tried many different ways like deleting the map from my Steam subscribed items and resubscribing, downloading the map manually and launching it from the MPMissions folder all to no avail. I am assuming that I am not deleting a database that is stored somewhere...I have tried setting the auto save to never but that doesn't work either. Maybe you could add an reset game option? 2) When going undercover, could you add an alert or message that states you are in undercover mode? 3) My teammates and I were unable to scrap vehicles near the factory we had taken over. Maybe we could work together to make a video tutorial that highlights all the great features on this map and how to use them. I really love this map! Thanks again! Hillbro