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Posts posted by icmspectre

  1. Im having an issue on a map i made for some friends and me where only one person can initiate Drop pod and the other get stuck in the air. Im pretty new to editing But i copied the code from the flag pole in the template mission and used it in my own map any ideas?

    Everyone has to drop one at a time. For example, one presses the button for ODST insertion and drops, then the next person does it

  2. Go into the editor, put a unit on the ground and set it as player. For their init, put this: player addaction [("<t color="#81BEF7"">" + ("Request ODST Support") +"</t>"), TEI_HEV_fnc_podCallAI, "", 7, true, true, "", "_this == _target]; .

    Then in-game, scroll with the mouse wheel and select Request ODST Support. This will pull up the map, and you click once on where you want them to drop. Bip bap bam, ODSTs comin in hot.

    I just want to figure out how to have this at the start of the mission without the player having to press any buttons, know what I mean?

    I seem to have confused you. I meant pods for myself, not for ai

  3. Go into the editor, put a unit on the ground and set it as player. For their init, put this: player addaction [("<t color="#81BEF7"">" + ("Request ODST Support") +"</t>"), TEI_HEV_fnc_podCallAI, "", 7, true, true, "", "_this == _target]; .

    Then in-game, scroll with the mouse wheel and select Request ODST Support. This will pull up the map, and you click once on where you want them to drop. Bip bap bam, ODSTs comin in hot.

    I just want to figure out how to have this at the start of the mission without the player having to press any buttons, know what I mean?

    I put the script on the player itself and not on an object?

  4. Just tested and confirmed the Pod drop function can be used in Zeus or MCC,it's very simple,just put a flag using Zeus or MCC,then copy the script into the init line of the flag you put(for zeus double click the flag you put and in MCC before you put the flag on ground you would see the init line of it.),then you are done,all same with the function in the TEI Template mission.:)Really great work to make it works in Zeus and Mcc.

    Whats the script?

  5. The words on the left rear thruster are mirrored. Just pointing it out. Also I get 2 actions to open and close ramp. The disembarking points could be moved a bit away from the craft and down the ramp for transported troops (instead to the sides).

    I have just replaced the Ghosthawk with Pelican. Man it looks so cool. However the Pelican is a bit to much of an oil tanker; it dosent pick up, or lose speed particularly well, turns like a glacier and dosent descend as quickly as it could be doing. Also I noticed that AI picks up a LOT of attitude on longer flights, I tell it to fly at 100m and at level flight we and up at 1000m in 10km trip. Ill toy around with the flight model values a bit and see what could be changed.

    However the view through the opened ramp while flying and sitting in the back is just AWESOME!

    Yeah I have to agree with this. It feels agile one second then turns into a tank
