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Everything posted by icmspectre

  1. Am I the only one, or does the guy who reviewed the mod on Armaholic do absolutely no research into the mod, and has doesn't have a clue what he's talking about Also, I've found myself a bug. The m7 doesn't fire into the crosshair and actually the bullets land just underneath. it's quite awkward
  2. Nooo, that update is for ASDG_JR not TEI
  3. icmspectre


    You should make some cool masks, your textures are amazing
  4. Something else i noticed was the writing on the underside of the pelican is backwards
  5. Do you know if they'll fix that in the hot fix? And if the HEVS will work then?
  6. The pelican is wayyyyy too loud ahaahhaah Also, i have no issue with ASDJ_JR
  7. So close to release. Whipping out the lube, telling my girlfriend that theres a new love in my life. And ferociously beating my meat
  8. Well its friday in the UK now. Just gotta wait 16 hours for release
  9. Is it the same helmet as the army/marines
  10. Literally counting down the hours till release. 20 hours to go!
  11. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=halo+reach+unsc&client=ms-android-orange-gb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=l2T3VMTDGbKQ7Qa68oC4DA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=360&bih=592#imgrc=HE7Nf8K62rTIPM%253A%3BkO7YHH8bP20JhM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi.cubeupload.com%252FdbQYdY.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffacepunch.com%252Fshowthread.php%253Ft%253D1302185%3B1050%3B300 Some unsc camos if you need any future reference
  12. By any chance is there any screens of the ODST's with completed RVmats?
  13. How many variants of the ODST helmet is there? Because i remember earlier on there were quite a lot
  14. Yeah how are you planning to release friday. At a set time? Or just when you can
  15. Does the recon helmet also have a visor transparency function?
  16. The ATLAS LHD mod has working elevators that aren't buggy
  17. How would you get the vehicles off the frigate? Like Warthogs. and will there be a module to automatically populate the ship like the USS Nimitz
  18. Has the ability to make the ODST's visors become clear with the push of a button been added?
  19. Will the falcon be released with alpha? ---------- Post added at 11:00 ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 ---------- Never mind, didnt read properly
  20. Im so excited I could eat my own intestinal pathway