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Everything posted by icmspectre

  1. Everyone has to drop one at a time. For example, one presses the button for ODST insertion and drops, then the next person does it
  2. Ooooo Scorch, i see you have a very pretty ODST helmet as your profile picture. Does this mean we should be seeing some more color variations of the ODSTs?
  3. If you didn't know, the ODSTs helmet attachments disappear when you depolarise the visor
  4. I seem to have confused you. I meant pods for myself, not for ai
  5. I put the script on the player itself and not on an object?
  6. I cant even get the pods to work for me mid-mission. Please can someone help. Like step-by-step
  7. Whenever i use the script it says "invalid number in expression" or something
  8. Sounds like Metal Gear Solid ahaha ---------- Post added at 23:15 ---------- Previous post was at 22:21 ---------- https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=depolarising+visors&client=ms-android-orange-gb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=wCf-VO77H8Sa7gaXqoDYAw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg&biw=360&bih=592#tbm=isch&q=ODSTs&imgrc=fPVZ-zDU0BHEyM%253A%3BTzL8W9EuWh45WM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffc04.deviantart.net%252Ffs71%252Ff%252F2014%252F026%252F2%252F5%252Fsilent_odst_by_lordhayabusa357-d73roy7.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Flordhayabusa357.deviantart.com%252Fart%252FODST-Drop-408972545%3B1185%3B1440 This ODST has an MA5B with a silencer and a holo sight. Will we be getting any attachments for the MA5B
  9. They got that working? Creaming!
  10. Is the ODST helmet truely depolorisationable?
  11. Does depolarising visors work? Like see through and opaque?
  12. How does one use the drop pods in their own missions?
  13. It was a joke reference. God people cannot take jokes
  14. Wait, are the HEVS being fixed in the hotfix or the next update
  15. Is the hotfix going to be released today or sometime during the week?
  16. I wish you'd stop with the vtol. It would make the pelican worse, not better. Do you not remember how bulky and slow the MV-22 was
  17. All that needs doing is some value tweaking and that can be fixed
  18. Yeah I have to agree with this. It feels agile one second then turns into a tank