So I want to make a mission where I destroy an electrical box on Altis (cords for reference: 042,150) I have no idea how to create a task that will recognize the box as an object that needs to be destroyed. I would like it to complete the task when it gets destroyed as well but if the trigger doesn't recognize it then how would I do that?
I have tried this but I guess I dont understand it:
I also would to know how to have enemeies spawn as you get into proximity so that way I don't have 100 AI spawned when at the moment I only need the 10 that are near the task. Then when that task is complete it and the player moves to the next task the rest of the AI spawn.
For the last thing I would like to know if there is any way of creating patrols that have a chance to spawn. Just to add replay abillity. For instance I have two patrols placed down and it has a chance to only spawn one patrol but the next time has a chance to spawn both.