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About looping193

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  1. looping193

    How to make Custom Lite Modpack ?

    Ok that's pretty clear, and it feels sad and stupid (sorry i can't find any other words) to make people download free content entirely where only a few of them will be used. But i can totaly understant the fact that they want to prevent people from taking credit for things that they didn't made (like i heard about sa-matra and wasteland). Those content could be much more used if this was possible.
  2. Hello, Is there any way to make a custom modpack containing things from other mod. Simple exemple, if i want to make mission with my friend where there's a BTR-70 coming from RHS 3gigs mod and let's say an other mod like "advance climbing". is it possible to take juste a vehicle and make my own folder pack @LitePack or do my own exe to facilitate things. And is it possible to make this for a public server ? With of course writing to who goes the credits to. (I think i saw one time sa-matra's wasteland made with a custom RHS modpack lightweight with vehicle coming from RHS). I think it's one of the major problem of arma's mod, there's fantastic mods out there but most of mutiplayer server aren't populated (other than life servers) as much as vanila servers because we to download gigs and gigs of mod where like 90% won't be used. Bonus question: if i use a light mod on a server (less that 1mb) which is available on the workshop for exemple, can we upload it directly to the client ? Thanks
  3. looping193

    Reconnect client to next server

    The only thing i am thinking of is kick the client and launch some kind of script doing a steam://connect<ip><port>
  4. I was wondering i there is any way to trigger the client side to disconnect and then reconnect to a specific server with ip. I've been searching for this but it does not seem to be available with .sqf scripting. So is there a way for the server to trigger a client script like batch file that will reconnect to an other server ?