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Everything posted by SpookyGunship
No, you interpret something in it that isn't there because i didn't say it. So don't talk about it as it would be a fact as gravitation or something. Also not true. I said in post #6721 : The germans are just as dumb and lazy as people everywhere else. Well, so much for manipulating. The only one manipulating here seams to be you. So let me clearify that one last time: They are not different than people elsewhere and their tendency to work hard is a myth. After the war there were a bunch of people who fleed in their work to suppress psychological traumas and the old crap that was destroyed was replaced by new stuff. This mixture created a short boom. It was for the most a relativly small number of people organizing the reconstruction, the new technology and free market economy, not that they would work harded than people elsewhere. For example, by now you have more university students than people who train for a job in germany, and for the first one the taxpayer pays. They don't wanna work, they wanna have some easy time. Also, even if i didn't do it, i should probably call germany a mindless nation. Hell, it is already that bad that the Ukrainians who came during the Visa Scandal 99-02 went right away through to Canada and the USA, to finaly say something related to Ukraine again. Don't act bitchy. Makes you look like a fool.
1. I never said anything about manipulation. 2. I never said its better than english.
Just saying "most democratic countries do this and that" and "this is standard world wide" doesn't mean anything and doesn't affect my argument in any way. And here we are right back at the beginning of this whole thing, the collectivist mindset. Both Statements, to say that i'am wrong at almost the whole time and that what i say is bogus, are not factual statements but rather an expression of your emotional based view. Your whole Post #6727 is an emotional statement that is supposed to tell me how you feel about what i say, and whats the point in that? Why do you even respond when you don't have the will to even write about it? You are just wasting time for both of us. Also, german is a very mechanic language and perfekt for giving orders. Other languages, i made most of that kind of expierence with romanic languages, don't work that way. But you know what? I don't have the will to give you some language lessons right now.
Bam! This is exactly what i was waiting for! bourgeois . Then right next to the robber barons. Maybee you should fact check your books again. Ach hab ich nicht? Dann belehre mich doch bitte du Genie. Well i don't? Then lecture me about that you Genius. They want more of it. Maybee there is some confussion about what i mean.: Children are forced to go to school. This is what i mean with compulsory education. Also its the only way government can be sure that education is compulsory. Junge Welt = GDR newspaper and still a major news organ for the radical left. To say it more direct: they are allies of the Kremlin. So what do they have to say that is so different from the mainstream? In all these papers i just see a general white wash, with one exception so far. Welt writes about the influence circles in russia of Alexander Dugin as well as the russian infiltration of the european right. Make no mistake about that.: Europe is totaly infiltrated by the russias since the cold war.
What? There was no country before where common folk could achieve wealth. Vanderbilt, Carnegie and so on were common folk, not aristocrates. They had to provide something that people would give them money, they made life better for everyone. In europe the only people rich were Kings and Queens. Still you can become a billionaire, even by just simple things as inventig facebook or writing apps. Very blunt to call that a lie. Ouh please don't give me that racist cop BS just because you saw something in the media, that every dummy thinks he can use as argument about the US Society. I'am not even gona argue on this one, because its just a giant load of pure shit. Read a book. You are so obviously biased it hurts. You wanna judge countries, say they were founded on lies? You wanna take the highroad on this one? Germany was build up by the americans since AEG(general Electonics). Even through they made many creat technological discoveries, they didn't use it. The MP3 is something made in germany, but they didn't use it. Why? Because in a social democratic society, there is no drive. Combine that with what this serbian guy said about "buhu american dream is a lie" garbage. In america these things get success, because in america it pays out for everyone involved. Also, i love this myth about the hard working germans. The germans are just as dumb and lazy as people everywhere else. But the language makes it much easier for the few smart people to give very detailed and accurate instructions to the working drones. This isn't about what i define as socialism, this is what socialists define as socialism. Don't play these "which one makes me feel good" games. First off i don't need some history lessons from you, second off the Bismarck policies have little to do with the system that is now in place. Also, it changes very little about the situation when there is some sort of tradition in this mess. Are you serious? Oh, how good that in Soviet Union and Nazi germany school was strictly banned! Oh wait, it wasn't, it was a compulsory education system. How good that germany, and this cesspool sweden, are the only countries in europe that have such a system still in place. You know that the german government media complex 43 Radio and TV stations and a bigger year budget than all Studios in Hollywood combined? Why do you give me this "most democratic countries" BS as if i wouldn't be aware of what i'am saying? What kind of reference is that? Makes me think you are the one not aware of what you are saying. You know what the end of this is? A population with no life left in them, scrabeling by and waiting for someone who will do shit for them. Just as these people who wave soviet flags around in Lugansk and Donetsk. "Feed me, feed me, enslave me but give me some free stuff". Pathetic and unworthy for free men.
Your worthless opinion means very little to me. You can't face me on any of the points i brought up but you think you can call me a clown.
Remindes me a bit of Walter Duranty stalinfriendly writings about asian mentality and that the russians basicly go fine with that kind of rule. First something about germany: its a socialist country. When the east merged into the West, there wasn't that much difference at all, besides that the west was subsidized by US backing. In the west there was one government run telecomunication company, compulsory education(total facism), government Media, government Post Office and after decades of Social Democratic(Social Democrats are just Socialists) strikt laws on gun ownership and so on and so for. There was no real "change" from a collectivist mentality. More and more it looks like the East just merged into the West to take it over. Planed Economy was very popular in both german states after the war. And today, people just go on with more Welfare, government handouts, redistribution, government run healthcare and on and on and on. There is no real change. When you wanna talk about mentality, this is a bit more complex than just east and west and communism and stuff. Hell, Russia went through a civil war during the Bolscheviks Power Grab because the Peasants, on one industrial worker there were five peasants, wouldn't let their little farms be collectivised. They had to murder everyone first. And what is communism in the end of the day? A survival strategy, fitting basic needs(and even that goes down the flow when the substance is used up). And as for russia, they basicly murderd everyone who had an IQ over 80 points during the last century and they live a giant lie. Thats why they dig out stalinistic Laws in the proxy states in eastern ukraine and wave hammer and sickel flags around. They are as poor as shit but they were being told this lie, that russia is this chosen people, protector of the slaws, fighters against facism and blablablabla. Everyone who doesn't go along with that tries to leave russia. After all Putin has still 80% approval rating, and this number isn't fake for a change. In the end of the day its in every country the same situation. There are people who can live their own life for themself, and there are these people who want government to take care of them. Last i describe as "Bitch Mentality". And when you saw the interviews with the common folk in the eastern ukraine, all of them want something. They want someone to take care of them or they want someone to give them a pack of... self esteem or something. You know that the last President of Ukraine made deals with Royal Dutch Shell for natural gas exploitation in the Ukraine, basicly making GazProm Pipelines obsolete? Ukraine doesn't need russian gas. Europe doesn't need russian gas. Most likely the russians themself toppled Janukovitch because of that. And remember NATO Chief Rasmusen saying that Anti-Fracking Movements were organized by the russians.
Yeah, exactly the enviorment for a military sidearm.
Just saw that some british convert who married a 16 year old just died fighting for ISIS. And as so many times people just don't get it why things like that happend. Found that post on Page 25. Let me tell you also a short story.: Your story is meaningless. Your muslim friends are most likely born into muslim families and define their "muslimhood" just by that. These people don't read the Quran, the Hadith, or any other of these scriptures and than bore everyone around them with this "oh ISIS is not Islam, i should know because i'am a born muslim when i actualy don't read any scriptures." Worst case they start preaching some watered down whitewashed version of a few phrases from the quoran they heard as a child. I have also a "muslim friend" who converted half a year back to christianity. But this wasn't some spiritual decision, was more like a over all more practical reason. Before that we had also some debates where more and more came out, that he didn't read any scriptures and that i had to show them. But whats whit the people who convert the other way around? If i would convert to Islam, i would become a wahabist or salafist or whatever you call these extremists, because they are basicly the just honest people practicing a pure form of Islam. A convert is most likely to be a extremists than one of these born-into people who never read the scriptures, because converts realy had to read them. This or their dawa Brothers feed them with selective verses to decieve them, which is allowed in Islam. Thats why i basicly don't give a dime about what any Muslim wants to tell me about Extremists. The biggest problem is that these born-into people are some sort of meat shield of the honest muslims around the core of the problem, which is islam itself. Just a few of them will see what is realy going on and escape the cult. For them there is no reason to call themselfs Muslims when they ain't even true believers and do herecy by the definitions in their own scriptures. Short sighted way to see things. Its also what you read most of the time in the Newspapers writen by people who don't know about these things and are more shocked than able to understand it. The Quran isn't even a religious book, its a Field Manual for conquest. That is what people do, they conquer each other. We see a flow of western fighters to ISIS, because ISIS is exactly what these mostly young man wanna be a part of: A Warband. A bunch of Barbarians with beards and weapons who say they will conquer the world, take slaves and so on. Most societies are still running on these priciples. Not so much against other nations, but through war within the societies. Class warfare for example. When you see the socialists movements in europe you have a similar case. Throwing stones, banging the young women who show up their for "social" reasons, which means they want a piece of the redistribution of property. ISIS is just another Model of Society scale Survivalism. The spiritual, social, or whatever frames these models give themselfs, are just anaesthetic. Germany was founded by Barbarians who sacked rome. England is a nation born from the settlements of saxon mercenaries. Don't make the mistake to bring some kind of "moral" in this. Black Flags are "evil" in our cultural sphere, not in theirs. The black color has a bit different meaing for them, especialy in the context of religion. In the muslim teachings, at the end of all days Jesus will come back dressed in black and fight with the Muslims against Jews and Christians. While Christians most often picture Jesus returns as this long haired hippie guy in a white nightgown. Also, the VICE Talkingheads Video is most about blameing america for everything. Always easy for some preaching professor guy who doesn't have to burden himself with decisions in these things. We just see the same thing happen as during the vietnam war, when the US Military was bad organized and wastefull, but winning the war against the north. It was constantly sabotaged by incompetent personal and enemies back home. And when they finaly withdrew from the south, the north waited a bit and then striked again. Just as the North knew that they would win when Nixon was leaving office, the Islamists thought they would win when the troops are gone and this "ISIS is not islamic" BS Artist President is still in charge of things.
Nah. The Russians don't pell very well. Its ideological reasons why people take the side of the communists, while on the other hand there are also some losers who do this just to have some kind of income or find a group where they can belong to. Remember that in the West it costs nothing to play some kind of rebel cheering for the enemies of the west. People feel better about themself while there is absolutly no danger to them doing this. In russia this would be realy endanger peoples lifes. Walter Duranty anyone? God, if there is anything i get more hate filled angry about than illoyal turncoats its when they have british accents.
Easy answer would be ofcourse because Russia is behind them and the heavy lifting Work gets done by highly trained russian Special Forces. But the Ukraine itself doesn't realy wanna win this war. At the beginning they just let the Russians and the Insurgents do what they want for month and now they are in this stalemate with a bunch of Rebels. Personaly i think this whole conflict is staged and organized by the old Establishment on both sides.
Imagine having a Predator Drone on your ass. I liked Far Cry 2 very much and you can see, that since then the cultural Creations of Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse now, mixed with the actual popcultural situation heavyly influenced Far Cry. This shows basicly in two things: 1. There are no good guys. 2. You are part of the Problem. [spoiler alert] Sadly, but not surprisingly, most people don't get any of that till the point where the situation is totaly FUBA. Both Golden Path Ends show you how further more down south a country can get. Forced Labour, drafted Child soldiers, Opium Fields and mass exicutions are basicly the event that should break the 4th wall to the player, because non of this would have happend without him doing what he did. This time there is even the 3th option, this time you have the possibility do not do any of that, not becoming the greater evil by just staying where you are, waiting at the dinner table. Basicly the game is pointing at the player saying " You did this ".
You know what i find most amuseing about the DNR Rebells? How stupid their whole act is. I mean i get it at some point that the communist system dumbed down the population and killed everyone with an IQ over 80 points, but come on. I mean seriously, come on.
You know what they say about 1911 users. They wear jeans, they are over 35, they think America was better during the mid 60's and they marry hairdressers. I'am myself a 1911 User for just a few practical reasons. Sub sonic Ammo, good punch, simple mechanics, no plastic, single row magazines and so on. But i'am a civilian, and in my situation you don't need more than 7+1 rounds to save yourself. If you need more than that, even a double row 20 round mag. wouldn't save you. And thats most often the case with pistols anyway. The british army kicks all their Sig Sauers out to replace them and the market is flooded at the moment with them. Man, what a shity gun. Soldiers just should be allowed again to buy their own damn sidearms.