I don't know PHP well enough, and eventhough I'd be an interesting process to dig deeper into GameQ I don't really have time either right now.. I did some debugging and it seems that at GameQ::sockets_listen(), it never reaches any data:
// We had error or no streams left, kill the loop
if($streams === FALSE || ($streams <= 0))
echo 'Ending loop...';
$loop_active = FALSE;
// Loop the sockets that received data back
foreach($read AS $socket)
echo 'Got data... <br>';
// See if we have a response
if(($response = stream_socket_recvfrom($socket, 8192)) === FALSE)
echo 'Waiting for response...';
continue; // No response yet so lets continue.
It never enters the foreach -loop, and the 'Ending loop...' echo I added gets printed.
But as I said, this is probably nothing, as I don't have time to dig deeper into the GameQ class at the moment sadly. Hopefully you can check it out when you have time, this could be really helpful! Thank you in advance!