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Everything posted by AdirB

  1. i need a script that fill the map with civilian around the player... it also need to work on MP/dedicated Server THANKS
  2. Hello guys, I made a script and I want to make it only a specific unit can run that script. The script is: waituntil {!(IsNull (findDisplay 46))}; _keyDown = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if (_this select 1 == 199) then {_open = player execVM 'dialogs\open_tablet_dialog.sqf'}"]; I've tried to do this but without success. Please can you help me to do that?
  3. Thank you for the answer. I've tried the solution he suggested me on the other thread, but it didn't work. Thank you for the tool of checking the script errors! I'll leave this thread because I don't want to use two threads for the same subject. I would be happy if you may try to help me there.
  4. AdirB

    if - else

    first things first, thank you for the answer. I've did what you said about the first line, and it become like this: waituntil {!(IsNull (findDisplay 46))}; But the code's still not working. :/
  5. I prefer to do this with a script without triggers like you said. There's no way to do that this way?
  6. Thank you, and sorry for desturbing you so much, but the code isn't working. I've tried to do some OR operator and it's failed and then I tried you're original code but it didn't work. I don't know what's wrong. :unsure:
  7. If I want to run it with "Else", is that the right way? if ((typeOf player) == "B_RangeMaster_F") then { waituntil {!(IsNull (findDisplay 46)) }; _keyDown = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if (_this select 1 == 199) then { _open = player execVM 'dialogs\open_tablet_dialog.sqf' } else { _open = player execVM 'dialogs\open_teleport_dialog.sqf'}"]; };
  8. Sorry my English is not so good. for exmaple: while soldier1 is pressing the key he will run the open_tablet_dialog.sqf. but if soldier2 is pressing the same key he will run another sqf.
  9. Hello, I've been trying to create a random 'SetDamage' for a unit while entering a trigger, but without success. Someone told me to put this in the init of a unit but it didn't worked: _soldier1 setDamage Random 1; Please, someone may help me with that?
  10. Thank you for the answer! I don't to need to give variables to the "Random"?