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Prolong an animation

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Hello everyone,

I would like to know something, I am trying to make a mission and I have a "problem" with the animations. I would like to prolong them for a determinated time, and stop after somebody stopped talking, as example. I think it is with "time max, min..." but I don't know how to use it.

Can somebody help me ?

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I'll answer you if you correct the name of our country under your name in the "location" area ;)

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Oups, hé hé éè sorry, I didn't see that...I thought having corrected it...I'm very pleased to meet a compatriot ^^

Edited by LCN

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Ok !!

So, you can make a little script like this :

_soldier = _this select 0

_soldier switchmove "my_animation_name"

;write hereunder the length of the anim in seconds

_soldier switchmove "my_animation_name"

;write hereunder the additonal time

_soldier switchmove ""
;that's the way to stop an anim. It works most of the time...


Save the script as "my_anim.sqs" for example, put it in the mission folder and launch it like this, in the on activation line of a trigger for example :

[name_of_the_soldier] exec "my_anim.sqs"

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Understood, I will do as you say thank you ^^

By the way, is there a script like this one to do the same but with the camera moves ?

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Yes, the same script with camera parts in it. Camera parts can be simply created with the camera.sqs script which exists by default in OFP. Look here, and particularly the "Using in script" part.

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OK, I will, thank you very much ^^

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