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well the name is at the top..... 95TH BRITISH LAND/AIR LEGION

so yes...... we will take part in a variety of operations in arma 2 such as.....

-Paratrooper operations

-dog fights

-joint land/sea/air invasions/operations

-Survival/Guerilla warfare

-artillery bombardments

-Expeditions/marches (in roleplay style)


Now as of yet the clan is just an idea, i want to put it into reality but we need members. I am looking for all types of soldiers/players, i am looking for regulars and leaders, pilots and the list goes on.

Are you interested in helping make this work? read the requirements at the bottom of this post

Who are we?

A realistic/tactical ARMA 2 army, i guess you could call it a roleplay, everyone chooses a role, listens to pre-battle talks/strategy, they will split up into their battallions, platoons and squads and fights in a unit, just like in real life war


Now before i list current roles i want to explain a thing or 2... you CAN change roles, during your first weeks you ae expected to rotate you role so you can choose by the end of that period what role you would like.

Secondly please do follow you leaders orders, it helps to make this clan as realistic and organised as possible

Now the roles:



-Foot soldier (rifleman/mobile machinegunner)

-Machine gunner (in an MG nest)

-Sniper/recon (should be used to scout the area)


-AA/AS gunner (fires at aircraft/navy)

-Mortar Logistics/supervisor (Will tell firer when to fire on back seat)

-Mortar firer (will be the gunner)

-Howitzer gunner (fires howitzer)

-Howitzer guard (looks after gunner and will take gunner position if the gunner is killed)

High command

-General (1) (commands the army on mission)

-Commander(3) (reports to general and takes action quickly if needed)

-Regiment commander (number of regiments) (looks after his/her regiment and reports to a commander)



-Fighter pilot

-Bomber pilot

-Transport pilot (drops paratroopers and supplies where needed)

-Helicopter pilot (mainly air support/escort for planes)

Special forces

-Paratrooper infantry (obvious)

-Paratrooper Snipers (also obvious)

-Paratroop reinfocements (used to recover ground infantry numbers)

-Paratrooper Commandos (the stealth troop usually dropped away from the lines)


what community tools do you use e.g.voice

Well of course all guilds need a way to get in touch, im testing many tools at the moment but i am afraid i will not pay fo anything, unless we become big. at the moment i am testing:

-Various free website creators



-imVOX (voice chat, download at http://www.imvox.com/ and i will post sever info at bottom or message you in forums when you join

All contact info/server info will all be posted at the bottom

So how do i get involved

Simple, all you need to do is post on this post, also if you would be so kind to tell me how you would like to be contacted here are some EXAMPLES:

-Steam name


-ARMA 2 forum message

Just name it and ill get back to you

My contact info

E-MAIL - liamr95@hotmail.com

imVOX - liamr

STEAM - liamr


(Just search for it in imVOX search after downloading the program and creating a profile)

Server name: 95TH British Land/Air Legion

Location: London

If you would rather not wait for moderators to review your post and would like to get in touch IMMEDIATELY, meet me on that sever of imVOX any time from 4-10pm GMT on weekdays and any time on weekends, thank you!


P.S. This thread will be edited and any errors corrected

Edited by liamr

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