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Just a basic newb editor question.

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Sorry guys, very basic one this.

I've added CBA, UK Forces, weapons and UKForces 115a into my Arrowhead steam command line. mod=@blah blah;@blah blah etc...

How to get to use them in the editor? I'm still only seeing Blufor US and the usual units.


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Units/vehicles/etc should show up in the editor - perhaps under their own class or heading - if they're configged properly... weapons, on the other hand, generally wont - unless the weapons pack includes a pre-defined and pre-stocked ammocrate for example... however - again assuming the weapons have loaded correctly, you should be able to add them to units, using the "removeallweapons" command - followed by the "addmagazine" and "addweapon" init commands with the appropriate classname...

something like...

removeAllWeapons this; this addMagazine "blahblahmag"; this addWeapon "blahGun1"

after you've removed the default weapons from a unit - add the magazine - THEN the weapon - that way it'll actually be loaded!

See the weaponpack readme for appropriate classnames and ask this sort of question in the "mission editing & scripting" section, after having read Mr Murrays Editing Guide for the appropriate init line commands...

Unless of course - once you know what you're doing and it's still not working, in which case look for that addons thread (they almost all have one) and ask specific questions about it there...


Edited by Bushlurker

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