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Music/Sound-Addon Config Error

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Hi guys, I hope someone can help me on that:

I am trying to make a ambient radio addon using severeal songs converted to .ogg format. The goal is to have a soundsource placed in the editor and it starts playing the music files automatically and the further away a player the less he hears.

Actually it works as a ambient sound like a howling wolf but after all it doesn't. Somehow it is not shown in the editor drop-down menu. My config looks like this:

class CfgPatches {
class CASounds {
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgRadio {};

class CfgSounds {};

class CfgSFX {};

class jd_sound_base { 
 	sounds[] = {"music1"}; 
 	music1[] = {"\jd_sound\Track01_fire.ogg", 0.00316228, 1, 30, 1, 0, 0, 0}; 
 	empty[] = {"", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; 
 	name = "Music"; 
class Sound;
class jd_sound : Sound { 
 	scope = 2; 
 	sound = "jd_sound_base"; 
 	displayName = "JD's Public Radio"; 

 // Values from class: Sound //

	 side = -1; 
	 animated = 0; 
 	vehicleClass = "Sounds"; 
 	icon = "\jd_sound\icon_soundsource_ca"; 
 	mapSize = 10; 
 	faction = "none"; 

What is wrong with my config? It's hard to extract the needed lines from the original BIS sound config as it has approx. 100 dozen million lines of code.^^

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Seems, that you use the original ModName:

[color=#000000][color=Black]class [/color][color=Black]CfgPatches [/color][color=Black]{ 
 class [b][u]CASounds[/u][/b][/color][color=Black]{ 
    [/color][color=Black]weapons[/color][color=Black][] = {}; 
    [/color][color=Black]requiredAddons[/color][color=#007700][color=Black][] = {}; 
};[/color] [/color][/color]

Think it must start with something like:

class CfgPatches { 
   class [u][b]JDSound[/b]s[/u] { 
       weapons[] = {}; 
       requiredAddons[] = {"[b][u]CASounds[/u][/b]"}; 

The "requiredAddons" entry should be set, so that CASounds is loaded before your "Mod".

Don't forget to implement your "Mod" with "-mod=" Parameter.

There may be more errors....

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