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Large sustained battle zones

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I have been looking for a way to turn some parts of Takistan into non-stop war zones where troops/armour/air from both sides will spawn and fight constantly.

I thought this might be possible to do with the Ambient combat module but the best I could get out of that was 2 UN soldiers on the top of a mountain looking kind of lost.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm pretty new to scripting for arma, but if I can get an idea where to start with this I should be able to work it out.

Thanks guys.

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I have read the wiki article and also through several threads on the ACM module but as I said, its not the kind of result I'm looking for. Maybe a flying unit will pass overhead once in a while or some troops will walk along a road, but I never seem to get much more than that.

This is the code the acm is using:

waitUntil {!isNil {ACM1 getVariable "initDone"}};
waitUntil {ACM1 getVariable "initDone"};
sleep 5;

[1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;
[ACM1, 500, 2600] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc;
["BIS_TK", "BIS_US"], ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc;
[0.1, 1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc;
[0.1, 1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc;
["ground_patrol", 1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;
["air_patrol", 1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;
[ACM1, ["US_TeamAT", "US_RifleSquad", "US_TeamMG", "US_HeavyATTeam", "US_MotorizedSectionAT", "US_A10Flight", "US_M1A1Platoon", "TK_InfantrySectionAT", "TK_MechanizedReconSectionAT", "TK_INS_ATTeam", "TK_InfantrySquad", "TK_T72Platoon", "TK_InfantrySectionMG", "TK_Mi24_DFlight"]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc;

It is sync'd with the group leader and re-syncs if he dies.

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