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sas troop

Strange Switch syntax problem

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This is my script, easy like heaven:

_liczba = floor (random 2);

switch (_liczba) do
   case 1:
oficer setpos (getpos ldver1_pos);
crate setpos (getpos cratever1_pos);
hint "A";

   case 2:
oficer setpos (getpos ldver2_pos);
crate setpos (getpos cratever2_pos);
hint "B";


It should choose A or B pos of oficer and crate, while taking position of game logics called ldver1_pos etc.

I dont know why, cript is not working and shows error: needed script, tyle object.

I dont know what causes this problem, script looks fine to me. Anyone can help?

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Only one of those cases will ever be true and then only half the time. random 2 gives a number in the range [0;2[ and you floor it thus the result is either 0 or 1. You check for case 1 or 2.

Not sure why you get the error you describe. How do you run the script?

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Is this in a .sqs file? If so you need to rename to .sqf because A2 will get confused and emit all kinds of odd errors if it sees new-style syntax in old-style files.

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Like Muzzle said, floor random 2 gives you 0 or 1, not 1 or 2.

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You can use ceil of you still want to use 1 and 2.

_liczba = ceil (random 2);

Also, what the hell is "liczba?" You should use more descriptive variables.

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Also, what the hell is "liczba?" You should use more descriptive variables.

He's from Poland, Google translator said it means "number". ;) Still, non-english coding/scripting is just evil.

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Problem is not solved. Script is in .sqf, I tried both cein and round (shame on me, I forgot to mention). Something is wrong with setpos/getpos, because I receive error either on line 12 or 19, what gives me setpos/getpos commands.

I run the script in the init.sqf:

if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then
 waitUntil {player == player};

if (isServer) then
//Init UPSMON scritp
ups = call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";	
setviewdistance 1600;
briefing = [] execVM "Briefing.sqf";
intro = [] execVM "Intro.sqf";
crateevent = true;
crate = [] execVM "rollin.sqf";

//Process statements stored using setVehicleInit

//Finish world initialization before mission is launched. 

if(true) exitWith {}; 

And _liczba is just _number in polish, which should be rolled to locate crate and officer in position A or B, randomly.

EDIT: Checked getmarketpos command and "default" syntax. Still not working.

Edited by SaS TrooP

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Well sorry to say so but

1. There is nothing wrong with the script itself.

2. If you get the "needed script, tyle object." error then I think I know your problem.

Right this is a suspection now but in your postings you always wrote

The correct english way:


In your script however it says:


Have you checked that out? Or is it on purpose?

Thus I guess it's just a typo somewhere.

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I checked all names of markers/game logics (depending what command I've used) and units involved in the script. There is no mistake.

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What do these two variables stand for ?



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I rebuild it.. Went through it with the debug console

Using getpos ldver1_pos

popped up errors.

Instead use

getMarkerPos "gamelogicname";

and it will work.

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It works fine now, thanks.

But how the hell game logic requires marker-specified command?!

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