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Ambush Setup Help

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Hi everyone, so I'm trying to make an ambush scene in Zargabad where a convoy goes along this road and there's taliban fighters with RPG's in this compound, and when the convoy gets to a certain area by the compound, i want the insurgents to all of a sudden attack and shoot RPG's at them. Not really any luck so far, but I had the group (maybe about 5 soldiers) at the compound going to a "HOLD" waypoint with the "Hold Fire" on. Then have a trigger close by so that when the convoy goes through it, the insurgents rush out and attack. They do, but the convoy just keeps going...is there a way for them to stop, return fire and when all the insurgents are dead, they resume back to where they were going?...is that possible? lol

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Set a MOVE waypoint right in the middle of the area of the ambush for the convoy. Create a trigger that encompasses the general ambush zone, and set it to activate when opfor is not present in the area. In the second box (the one that says on act.), put the following:


Then synchronize this waypoint in the ambush zone to the trigger.

The way this is set up, the blufor will sit in the zone until the enemy force is completely killed off.

Sound good?

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Hm, ok, I'll give that a shot and see what happens. Hopefully I know what your talking about lol

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