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Air Taxi script?

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Sorry if this is something asked often, I've tried searching all the places I normally go to, and I haven't found the exact script I'm looking for.

Dose anyone know the scripting command/ and or download for a module so I can add air taxis to my missions like the one in domination, or like starforce 21, from harvest red?

I'm pretty new to scripting, trying to learn rather then make cheesy editor insta missions my entire life, so go easy please lol.

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  Jantemplar said:
A simple search in google for Brings this up,


A bit of extra search always pays off.

As common practice search BI forums, and Google.

Yes I saw that. If I am correct those are set stations you have to go to, in order to use them. This is not what I am looking for. I'm looking for the ability to call in a chopper where ever I am on the map, and get transport to where ever I need to go, rather then station A and station B.

I know the script is used in domination game modes but I don't know what it is/where in the files.

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Why don't you extract it from the Harvest Red campaign, and learn how they did it,

It is very simple as i have done it myself for my other missions.

Good luck.


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Air-Taxi is built into the SecOps module.

After adding the SOM module to your mission, run this somewhere:

[["transport"],player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc

I forget how to configure it completely, but maybe if you mess around with it enough you'll be able to figure it out.

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Just hazarding a rough guess, but wouldnt it be a script where when you radio the certain code, then the script goes "getPos" of player, and then spawns a waypoint there for the chopper to follow.

Should not be hard to make if I am not mistaken.

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