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Several questions

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I'm trying to do a scene where a car drives by with some guys in it talking to each other.

However, I only just started out editing and don't know much about camera control yet, so how do I have the camera follow the car, like it's hovering next to it? And how do I get the guys to talk? (like text appearing at the bottom of the screen)

And what are the Min, Max and Mid fields in the trigger settings?

help appreciated, thanks

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Im a newbie so im not sure im right but

if you put:

10 in the "min" field

10 in the "midd" field

10 in the "Max" field

this will result in that the trigger starts 10 seconds

after activison instead of directly.

Werry usefull sometimes!

About the camera following tha car i cant help you.

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well thanks anyway, btw I heard something about camsetrelpos but it doesn't work for me

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I'd look on the Operation Flashpoint Editing Center. I found that to be a good start for me. Another good site to search is Operation-Flashpoint.net.

Another page which helped me immensley was the http://www3.sympatico.ca/sgv/pboedit.htm link. It has alot of INIT field suggestions...

Two months ago I start with this whole mission making thing and now as I look back, my original missions pretty much sucked, but I learned as I went.

Good luck... and remember start small... learn how to get the guys to do what you want them to do. Learn the description.ext - learn the scripting - learn the HTML briefing... then move onto more complicated things... using user defined actions, such as surrendering, sitting on a chair, etc. With time, and experience you'll be building missions that have depth and a true worthwhile play...


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Camera Control

Example: 0,5,2

The first number example 0 is for left and right control

the second number example 5 is for in and out control

the third number example 2 is for up and down control


The trigger settings Min.- Mid.- Max.

Are for using a timer on the trigger....and just like it says min is minimum....mid is midrange.......max is maximum......these stand for the time before the trigger counts down to activation....time is in seconds not minutes.....so 340 would be 340 seconds not minutes...

Hope this gets you started

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I just tested this, and it works.  Let's say you want the camera to follow the car until it gets to a certain waypoint, and that waypoint sets a variable to true.  This will make the camera follow a car.

;These five lines create the camera and move it to the car.

cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]            

cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

cam camsettarget getpos jeep1

cam camsetrelpos [10, 10, 2]

cam camcommit 0

;For some reason, you need this here.


;This loops until the variable is true.


cam camsettarget getpos jeep1

cam camsetrelpos [20, 0, 3]

cam camcommit 0


? (!variable) : goto "1"

This script will instantanously move the camera to a new position and a new target with each loop, but since it loops every .01 seconds, it will appear smooth. Try changing it to .1, and it'll be really jerky.

To put text at the bottom of the screen, here's the code:

titletext ["Put your text here", "plain down", 2]

The "plain down" means it's plain text, at the bottom of the screen.  The 2 means it will fade in in two seconds.  To get rid of the text, just put in

titletext [" ", "plain down", 0]

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