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Online lag

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mad.gif  I hope someone can help me with the problem im having when trying to play online. I have a Athlon 1.2 gig with 512megs of ram and a 32meg gForce2 video card and a sound blaster live value! card. Everytime I play online I get tonnes of lag. The game starts out fine but after a couple of minutes it gets really laggy as in i move 2 steps stop move 2 steps stop... I have tried play with and with out a cable bandwith patch. I have even tried turning down the graphics quality but nothing seems to work. The game does the same thing when playing a LAN game, but if i play just the missions it runs fine. I am using the 1.46 patch.

Thanx in advance for the help


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Your going to have to give alot more information if you want people to be able to offer solutions.

What is your operating system?

What version of directx do you have installed?

How long has your operating system been used without a fresh install, or more importantly a hard drive deframentation?

What version of drivers are you using for your soundcard, videocard, and motherboard.

Do any other online games near bandwidth intensive as ofp "lag" like this?

Have you overclocked your video card or your CPU, motherboard?

Have you changed (if possible) any voltage levels on your motherboard?

Have you tried (with win2k/xp/ME) turning off Vsync and prerendered frames with a tool like Rivatuner?

Have you tried some of the tools and tests available at www.dslreports.com to diagnose your connection?

You have to give alot more info, almost anything you can think of if you want people to give helpful advice, otherwise its mearly a shot in the dark.

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My OS is Windows ME.

I have direct X 8.1

I formated my harddrive 1 month ago.

I have the latest drivers for all my hardware.

I have no lag problems with any other FPS game (counter strike unreal...)

Nothing is overclocked.

Havent tried the last 2 will post when i have.

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