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Need scripting help, score system

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I'm looking for someone to explain to me a way to script a simple system that tracks and hints the times after the mission start that b1,b2,b3,b4...b27 made it to a trigger.

The hint should look something like:

player name: time
player name: time
player name: time
player name: time

The player names should only appear when the player gets to the trigger.

I'm not very comfortable just throwing myself into scripting my own new concepts, so I need some help.

I realize it's about registering the caller of a trigger, add him to an array and opdate the hint, while also ensuring that players are not being re-added for exiting the trigger and entering it again.

Thanks in advance!

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player name: time

Do you want that to be logged when the player fires the trigger or on a specific time?

Also do you want to run this on a dedicated server?

And why not use diag_log instead of a hint?

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Imagine a race system that registers and writes the times that players cross the finish line (the trigger)

I haven't looked into diag_log, but I want the score to be shown to the players. From what I read about diag_log, that is more of a command for saving files?

And yes, it is to run on a dedicated server.

Edited by Abrahamsen

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