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A10 lgb

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I've read all the old posts about the a10 (lgb) and the laser designator, and I did have a working mission that I created to test it.

It doesn't seem to work anymore though... the A10's just fly by and strafe the targets with 30mm. Has something changed?

I also noticed, when I tried it from the A10 aspect that the AI wouldn't hold the laser long enough to target... they kept moving, ducking, etc, making the laser target go on and off.

If there are any answers, I'd appreciate them greatly. As far as I can tell, I've tried everything... grouping the planes with the laser ops with the planes as leader and vice versa. I've even waited several minutes to see if they would launch after a pass or two... no go. I've tried forcing the planes to drop the bombs which also wouldn't work.

Personally, I think OFP is one of the greatest games ever, but stupid bugs like this can get really aggravating.

thanks in advance

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I agree with you that the little things like getting the LGB to work right can be rather irritating. Its really messed up right now.

Currently, the only way to make an accurate air strike is like this:

You have to be the one lasing the target, and you have to have the a10 on your team. Laze the target, and then select the a10 and tell it to attack the laser target. this gets pretty accurate results every time. this is pretty much the only way to do it on foot though. AI wont do it themselves.

When i tried an experiment, it went like this. I had the black op laser as the leader, me under his command so i could see what orders he gave, and an a10 LGB on our team. The target was a T-80. First, he gave the order for the a10 to attack the t80 and not the laser target, and then he gave the order for him to disembark causing him to die. I'm pretty sure this is a bug.

The only other way is to be the pilot with the black op laser opperator as an AI.

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