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Using OA as bulldozer

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Hey for those who are having trouble, here's how you setup oa as bulldozer:

1) unpack bin.pbo from Expansion\Dta\ folder and copy it's contents into P:\bin\

2) change the viewer path in O2 options to arma2oa.exe

Now, the reason why I tried this out was because I wanted to see if it has the Thermal Imaging option like described here:


But the shortcuts that are described in that tutorial dont work for me, anyone know the solution?

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You'll either have to move the A2OA asset you want to view over to your other product's development area (including all textures & rvmat's referenced by it) and create a model with a proxy in it pointing at this asset and fire up the other product's O2 + buldozer OR wait till they release an updated A2OA buldozer.exe.

Probably the later is the more sensible option.

Edited by Synide

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Yeah I was unable to get any of the thermal imaging stuff working in buldozer using OA's EXE. I think I'll do as Synide said and wait for the to (hopefully) update the tools.

Also, Ive not looked at vehicle Thermal Image maps but the infantry ones seem quite different from the process described. Might just be to do with the dynamic thermals the vehicles can emit though.

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After switching to arma2oa buldozer, is the .tga to .paa converter not doing its thing for you guys aswell?

edit: false alarm!, its working fine

Edited by mikebart

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