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Royal Green Jackets

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the Royal Green Jackets GU

Celer et Audax


About the Royal Green Jackets GU

About the Royal Green Jackets GU

the Royal Green Jackets are back, after more then 2 years the Royal Green Jackets "[RGJ]" are back on the Armed Assault theatre. the Royal Green Jackets ArmA II unit is a British Army styled unit using the best UK addons out there for Armed Assault II, [RGJ] operates as a mechanized Infantry platoon, all our operations are Infantry based, we tend to operate and train as realistic as possible using several different tactics used by the British Army.

As said before we operate at platoon level and tend to keep it that way, from my experiences with different units I have played in ranging from battalion sized to platoon level units I know that operating at platoon level is the best way to run a unit, this also helps to keep to unit easy to command, this also means [RGJ] has a limited capacity (around 30 at full strength).

Organization of the Royal Green Jackets

the Royal Green Jackets is a Platoon sized unit as said before, our operations are focused on mechanized Infantry combat. Our platoon consists of a Platoon HQ, and 3 sections. Every section has it's own AIFV* Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

Training & Operations

We offer different kind of trainings from the most basic (Phase 1) to advanced training such as Vehicle drills, and full scale Platoon sized trainings.

Phase 1 Training is your initial training, in Phase 1 you will be tested on your Orientation skills, marksmanship skills and concealment skills, after successfully completing Phase 1 you will be placed in one of our sections, once you have been placed you will move on to the role-specific training (Phase 2), this can be Radio-Telephone Operator course depending on your role within the unit, or it can be LMG Gunner course, this all depends on the role you will full-fill within [RGJ].

Tuesdays are our regular training nights these start at 19:30GMT.

Currently we are also working on a set of missions that will be played, we have not yet decided when we start this campaign as we want to have a good trained unit first, in the mean time we have weakly COOP missions to sharpen our skills, these COOP nights are held every Friday at 1930GMT.


Currently we offer a small scale of roles within our unit:

Radio Operator/Driver - You will be placed in Platoon HQ.

Rifleman/M136 - You will be placed in one of our sections

LMG Gunner - You will be placed in one of our sections

In the course of time we will add new roles to our unit depending on the need of it.

Contact us

There are several ways to get in touch with the Royal Green Jackets GU.

Website: www.rgj-hq.com

Forum: Link

E-Mail: Email

Gameserver: filter: Royal Green Jackets

Teamspeak 2.0: IP: PW: audax

I hope to see you soon within our unit, feel free to jump on our Teamspeak server or our Gameserver.



Note* the Royal Green Jackets GU is in no way affiliated with the real Royal Green Jackets/Rifles or the british MoD

Edited by Ghost08

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