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Campaign - Badlands mission (warfare)

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When the mission starts you can control some groups as commander, so i take all of them and rush the first village, HQ is deployed and everything is ok.

Usually i lose some units doing that and i would like to "refill" them but every unit or vehicle that is created joins my own group. How can i send units to others groups? can i create new groups?"

I think this is a pretty stupid question but i haven´t been able to find an answer.

Edited by katua

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I am not sure about this...but if you send money to other group leaders, they might be able to buy new units, I observed this while I was playing Dogs of War, that if I send money to other guys, sometimes their status became 100% from 69% or less...again this is just my experience / observation..

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Usually i lose some units doing that and i would like to "refill" them but every unit or vehicle that is created joins my own group. How can i send units to others groups? can i create new groups?"

Every squad in Warfare, players and AI alike, earns funds by killing enemies, completing missions and -more regularly- through supply truck deliveries at friendly towns. The squads you control as High Commander thus have their own financial balance and will buy their own units.

  • If you use a factory to buy units, they will join your own squad
  • The AI squads under your control will buy units based on their financial balance and the "squad type" you set them to in the Teams menu (map view)
  • When AI squads respawn, they will repurchase new units
  • You can force squads to respawn using the Teams menu, thus forcing them to "refill" their unit using the available budget
  • As pravin mentioned, you can donate money to squads to increase their budget
  • You can also donate units from your own squad to other squads using the radio menu (select unit, press space bar, select Communication, etc.)

Hope this helps :)

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Every squad in Warfare, players and AI alike, earns funds by killing enemies, completing missions and -more regularly- through supply truck deliveries at friendly towns. The squads you control as High Commander thus have their own financial balance and will buy their own units.

  • If you use a factory to buy units, they will join your own squad
  • The AI squads under your control will buy units based on their financial balance and the "squad type" you set them to in the Teams menu (map view)
  • When AI squads respawn, they will repurchase new units
  • You can force squads to respawn using the Teams menu, thus forcing them to "refill" their unit using the available budget
  • As pravin mentioned, you can donate money to squads to increase their budget
  • You can also donate units from your own squad to other squads using the radio menu (select unit, press space bar, select Communication, etc.)

Hope this helps :)

this don't work in campaing! you can't donate stuff there and the campaing still has so many bugs :(

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