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Boat bug in 3d editor? :/

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Hello everyone!

When I place out boats and link some soldiers to cargo and driver and set a waypoint for the boat to go something happens. This is in the 3D editor that you can access from the main menu by ctrl + E.

The boat is driving to the destination. But in an odd way. Only the propeller of the little motor boat has contact with the water. The rest of the boat is hovering. I have tried to adjust the altitude of the boat to underneath or above the water. But with no success!

Is there a solution for this problem? Thank you in advance.

// Karlalfred

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Is there a solution for this problem? Thank you in advance.

You're probably not going to like this answer, but your best bet would be to port it to the regular editor. Let's be honest, the 3D editor was never intended to be used exclusively to replace the original editor... it's just not designed to work the same way. Until the 3D editor gets updated to allow users to seemlessly convert missions constructed in the 3D editor into .sqm format, I would only use the 3D editor to quickly construct bases or precisely place objects and do the real editing (waypoints & logic) in the real editor.

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