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Freeze Freeze FREEZE...

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So I finally got this game to run smoothly... updating the drivers on the GPU was the major problem and then i downloaded the latest patch so I could play online... IF I would have known the problems that would cause me I would have NEVER updated and just played offline...

So heres what happens, basically the game freezes for no reason at random points in the game - under heavy load or not - doesn't matter if I'm flying walking or whatever. (It is always ingame though)

The computer I'm running this one could run this game 2-4 times simultaneously, so that is NOT the problem.

I did do some searching around on the forums and didnt find much besides that there may (or not) be a problem with running ArmA2 through Steam. And I tried to find these files (this thread said something about finding them-http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=76670) but they weren't anywhere on my hard drive (cause of the problems? you tell me...)


-Windows Vista

-3.2 AMD quad-core

-Nvidia 260 gtx 898

-4 gigs 1333 ram

-Creative Labs Extreme sound card

-This computer can also do a minor Overclock and its on a good motherboard(forgot the make/model)

-Minor tuning.

-Solid 50+ FPS on Crysis

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#1: No your machine can't, even with this game being fully optimized you still would never be able to pull any such feet as you think you will. Also your specs are rather generic anyways.

#2: The first thing likely anyone is gonna tell you is to turn your settings down, whether you wanna hear that or not.

#3: The game does have performance issues that cause it to have many issues from time to time, I suggest going through and doing alot of the tweaks around the forums, they do help.

#4: Steam is never really a great platform to purchase game from, it causing issues with this game hardly surprises me not sure I'll be of any help there.

#5: I would run linpack x64 if you seriously feel it is entirely random, that is not really a good sign. If that comes out clean then you may need to try to see if any one event triggers this through logs or just observation.

Those are my points hopefully someone else will be more helpful however coming on here and telling people as you did such absurd things and posting rather generic specs, like what AMD quad is that, Phenom, Phenom 2? Huge difference between the two.

My 2cents!

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