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Anyone Wanna have an adventure?

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I'm looking for a few people to play co-op with. Not a clan or squad or whatever. Just some guys to play the SP campaign (you can do that right?) and whatever other missions/campaigns we dl. Nothing competitive unless you really want to, idc. No obsessive people please. Arma is fun, but I'm not playing with people who constantly bitch or take shit way too seriously as to compromise the fun. Having a mic goes without saying, but I just said it anyway. If you're interested, just reply in this thread or send me a PM. Then we'll exchange steam info, or teamspeak info, or whatever the hell you wanna use to communicate with.

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I've seen a few threads complaining about this game's MP. I got a few people ready for co-op, why not join us?

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Well, you do realize that you are technically speaking advertising a clan/squad/unit?

Every clan I've talked to about joining has a stick up their ass. I'd love to join one that won't kick me out for having a life and not being on the game when they dictate. Anyone wanna help me out with that?

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