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Help with multiple mods

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ok so i have the steam downloaded version of the game, im trying to use add-ons like GMJ sight adjustment, AAW weapons pack, and the required INKO disposable addon to use the AAW pack..problem is they wont work. GMJ does work where i can use the clicks and everything, but i cant get the included range tables to show up on the clipboard in the map, what shows these and what folder do i put it in? AAW just wont work and same with INKO, how do i install it correctly?

P.S. Yes i followed instructions on how to install things..but theres not really a thurough walkthrough for Steam. EX: idk where to put the files "Rangecard_DMR/M24/m107/mk12"

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go to your steam apps folder and into your arma 2 directory...you can either drop the .pbo files into your addons folder in there or you can make a mod folder...

basically to create a mod folder go to your arma 2 directory in steam and create a folder called say @AAW...then within that folder create a folder called addons and place the .pbo file in it.

then dload this


and you can launch the game through that without using steam and just select the mods you want to use from the list.

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